Chapter 3

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"So, Taylor, what's been going on lately?" Karlie used the guide questions in the notebook that Mr. Kushner gave her. She could tell how nervous the singer was by her hesitation to speak.

"Um...I mean...I've just been hanging around the apartment and stuff. That's about it."

"Okay. What about emotions? How have you been feeling? Being as famous as you are must come with some emotional tolls." Karlie offered. Taylor began shifting in her seat.

"Well, I think I might have OCD or something. Everything always has to be clean and perfect or else I get anxious." Taylor answered. Karlie nodded and decided to write it down.

"Yes, I would definitely say that you have OCD, which is okay because we will get you cured."

"Who's we?"

"You and I, Taylor. We are gonna work through this together. You are not alone."

Those were words Taylor had never heard before. She always felt so alone. These words comforted her in such an indescribable way.

"Thank you." Taylor said shyly.

"For what?"

"For helping me."

"Taylor, we've only just started. This is my job anyways, there's no need to thank me." Karlie explained. She had to admit, she wasn't expecting the Taylor Swift to be so kind but also so desperate for help. Not to mention the undeniable beauty that the singer had.

"I know, I just don't think you realize how fucked up I am." Taylor replied. Karlie's jaw almost dropped at hearing the older girl swear for the first time.

"I'm sure that's not true. I've treated some pretty crazy patients before. You're actually a nice change in the usual type of patients I have." Karlie made that up. She just wanted Taylor to feel comfortable.


"Yes, really. You're not fucked up, Taylor."

"You don't even know me yet."

"I don't have to, I just know."

Taylor blushed at hearing what Karlie said. She was trying to let her guard down so that she could get her feelings off of her chest.

"Okay, I have this other thing that's been bothering me."

"Please tell me about it."

"I don't know for sure, but I think I might be gay." Taylor said, shielding herself for Karlie's reaction. Karlie's face showed no emotion, however.

"What makes you feel this way and how long have you felt this way?"

"I've felt this way ever since high school if I'm being honest. I've always had crushes on girls and I've always wanted a future with a woman some day. I can't imagine marrying a man, and I know that sounds crazy because I'm a supposed man-eater right? Well I can tell you right now that none of those relationships that you might have heard of were real."

Karlie's eyes widened slightly, but Taylor hardly noticed. Karlie was just given some very interesting facts from the singer. She hesitated at first but then decided to write all of this information in her notebook.

"I did not know that. I would definitely say that that is way too emotionally exhausting for you to endure." Karlie concluded. Taylor nodded her head and looked rather dismayed.

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