Chapter 4

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Caroline's Pov.

After a while Thomas woke up in Luke's embrace and started to get fussy. I immediately went to go get him but Calum stopped me and went to take Thomas. Calum set Thomas on his hip and rocked slightly while rubbing Thomas' back.

"Shh I got you Tommy."Calum soothed and Thomas eventually calmed down in Calum's embrace. I smiled and cuddled further into Michael. 

Calum sat back down on the couch and kept Thomas in his arms, but Thomas didn't seem to like that much because he was squirming around. I laughed and all the boys gave me confused looks.

"Calum set him on the ground he wants to crawl."I smiled and all the boys instantly perked up.

"He can crawl?"Ashton asked with a huge smile.

"Yup, hes been doing it for about a month now."I shrugged and the boys smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for lets get you crawling Thomas!"Calum exclaimed and set Thomas gently down on the ground. 

Thomas immediately started to crawl. Ashton, Luke and Calum all got out of their seats and followed Thomas around as he crawled around the lounge room and eventually lead himself into the kitchen.

"Boys keep a good eye on him in the kitchen!" I yelled and heard a chorus of 'yes mum', I rolled my eyes at this but rested my head back on Michael's shoulder.

"Hes fine, Car don't worry."Michael insured and I only nodded my head with a small sigh.

"I know but its not just that Thomas has grown up so fast."I sighed and Michael let out a small chuckle. 

"Hes only nine months old Love, hes far from grown up and you'll have a new one soon."Michael reminded and I nodded and rested my hand on my still flat stomach.

"I know but still, hes my baby I don't want him to ever grow up."I confined and Michael nodded and kissed the side of my head.

"Its fine, but your far from old you could have a whole bunch more if you wanted, make your own basketball or baseball team."He shrugged and I laughed lightly.

"I don't think any guy I meet would want that many kids."I shrugged and Michael smiled small at me.

"Well I'm going to have that many, I've always wanted a house full."He grinned and my smile widened at the thought of Michael having kids and running after them, a bunch of mini Michael's running around would be cute.

" Awe Michael your kids would be so adorable."I gushed and pinched his cheeks making him blush.

"Stop it Caroline, but I have to agree with you on that. Maybe one day we'll have one together."Michael winked and I blushed but elbowed him.

"In your dreams Clifford." I smirked and he rolled his eyes at me.

"How'd you know what I dream of?"He winked and it was now my turn to roll my eyes at him.

"Lucky guess."I laughed and Michael did to, that was until I heard the cries of my baby boy.

I quickly ran into the kitchen where Calum was holding onto a sobbing Thomas. As soon as my baby boy saw me he reached out for me, I easily picked him out of Calum's arms and set him on my hip and rocked him back and forth as he sniffled into my neck. He had a firm grip on my shirt and I was rubbing his back gently.

"Shh Mummy's here baby boy, I got you."I whispered into his thick dark hair.

His sobbing now went down and it was now only small sniffles. I sighed in relief at this before turning to the three idiots I left to watch Thomas.

"What happened?"Michael asked as he rubbed Thomas' back which looked like it was calming him slightly.

"He was crawling and ran into a door knob on one of the cabinets."Ashton told and I nodded.

"Hes a little clumsy, just like me."I laughed lightly and rocked my baby boy.

"You don't say."Michael laughed as he took my baby out of my arms and into his own. Michael rested Thomas on his hip and Thomas found a fascination to Michael's colourful hair.

"Yes I do, now lets go watch a movie or something, I'm getting a little tired and I'm feeling sick again."I complained, before I knew I was scoped up into the strong arms of my twin brother. I rolled my eyes but enjoyed getting carried into the lounge room. Calum set me down carefully onto the couch right beside Michael and Thomas. 

I quickly cuddled into Michael's side and rubbed my baby boys back as well. Luke popped in a Disney movie and the rest of the boys cuddled up on the other couch as Michael, Thomas and I cuddled on the couch as the opening credits of the movie started. 


After the movie was done it was getting pretty late and I wasn't surprised when I saw that Thomas passed out on Michael's lap. I smiled at the sight of Michael cuddling with my baby boy, I had to admit it was one of the cutest things I've seen all day.

"Michael can you carry him up to his room?"I asked and Michael nodded with a small smile. He kissed my head and left with Thomas in his arms. I smiled and leaned back into the couch only to be disturbed by my brother, Luke and Ashton.

"You and Michael seem cozy."Calum raised an eyebrow and I only shrugged.

"What? I cuddle with you guys all the time."I defended myself and they only rolled their eyes at me.

"Caroline its obvious you quite enjoy being this close to Michael."Ashton smirked and Luke wiggled his eyebrows and I only groaned at them.

"What are you getting at?"I asked playing dumb and they only smirked.

"That maybe Thomas and the kid inside you right now may have a father figure soon."Luke suggested and my jaw dropped.

"Guys Michael wouldn't go for that and if he did what would happen if we would break up or something?"I questioned and there smirks only grew.

"So you do like Michael?"Ashton smiled widely and my eyes grew wide at what I just told them. 

"You can't tell him, promise."I demanded and they all nodded their heads.

"I ship it. Mar all the way."Calum nodded and I groaned.

"Please stop."


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