•Petnames They Give You•

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Tumblr Preference By - Kinkharries

Luke: Luke is such an typical guy and he has such a passion for traditional romance. He would def call you the classics like babe sweetheart. Maybe darling.

Ashton: Ashton is known for the daddy kink and that my life suport, but there is this realness to him. He's so passionate about the things he loves. He would call you baby girl, baby doll, or darling.

Michael: Mikey tries to show that hes such a macho man, but he is such a shy boy when it comes to you. He is vv gentle(not all the time;)).He'd probably call you something cute and gentle, like kitten. And sometimes he'll just settle with the classics like babe and baby. It's all according to the mood.

Calum: Calum relationship with you is something else. Calum has soooo much passion and care for his girl, so he can't just settle with one name. There's a variety, like he can't stick with one name. I feel very strongly that the most common name for you is pretty girl or princess. But he listens to a ton of R&B so I think boo, and baby and just girl would be what he'd call you.

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