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There comes a time in a person's life,

When everything becomes a problem, everything requires more thought,

Everyone a second glance because looks are deceiving

And so are words and heartbeats and every other symptom of life.

Where you're afraid to be afraid and everything's the epitome of confusion,

Like having two feet has nothing to do with walking, and a heart with loving

And two eyes have nothing to do with seeing.

What matters is the things we sweep under our rug of insecurity

And where we click our red heels of circumstance together

And somehow persuasively lie to ourselves saying

There's no place like home when actually the farther from home the better.

Tossed about by the tornado of change,

Left to collect the broken pieces of esteem scattered

Across the floor of destroyed promises and dusty dreams.

And it seems that after we've blamed every other consequence

On some victim of simple existence,

We are still left to look into the stubborn eyes of our reflection,

And hold back every tear of regret.

Because we never want to seem weak or admit,

We are ALL the underdogs of life.

But inside, inside we know our thoughts, our emotions,

Our flaws, our mistakes.

And just wish we could be audience to someone else's torture

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