School Life

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After i got out the shower and lotioned up my phone rang it was my aunt lilly my whole face lit up like the sun i loved when she called me in the morning i just loved it so i ran over to my nightstand and answerd my phone

me: goodmoring aunt lilly how are youu

her:goodmorning sweet har and aunt lillys doing fine i was just calling to tell you to have a good day and i love you with all my heart

Me: huff ill try you know the situation but i love you to aunt lilly soo much and ill be over your house right after school 

Her:okay my little sun flower

she calls me sun flower because when i was little she said i used shine like the sun and i loved floweers so she calls me sun flower

Me:okay i love you ill talk to you later!!

Her:i love you to now see you later

after that i hung up the phone and went straight to my closet to see what i was gonna wear hmm i pulled out some black skinny jeans with my half shirt that says dope star and my black and white jordan 11's ......after i got dressed i went and curled my long black hair and put the hair pen that my aunt lilly bout me when i was 8 years old ,then i sat down and pulled out my makeup kit i never wore makeup besides lip gloss and mascara but now i had to only to cover up my tender bruises ugh every time i see them it makes me want to cry my eyes out and just leave the world some times i thought it would be bettermif i wasnt in the world ya know then they tell me god put me here for a reason but if the reason he put me here was to be abuised hurt and bullied then thats messed up.,,, 

After i put my make up on my ruises and put my mascara and lip gloss on i looked at the time and saw that i was running late for school part of me didnt care then the other part of me did so i rushed down the stairs and grabbed me a apple and locked up the house and left for school , the walk to school was at least 15 to 20 minutes not very long i get a little morning walk everyday its very refreshing  and calming.

20 minutes Later I arived at the school house , i looked up at the sky and said "god watch over me please" after that i went into the school and everybodys eyes were on me then all of a sudden i was slammed into a locker cause me to hit my head and drop my apple i look up to see chresanto and jacob glaring and me 

Chresanto: i thought we told yo ass to be here by 9:00 

Jacob: lil bitch we dont just talk for our health

Me: i-i-im s-s-sorry g-g-guys

Chresanto- bitch do you no how to mf talk dumb ass

Me:can you guys please leave me alone please

Jacob:bitch you dont tell us what to do

Chresanto kicked me in my side and walked off with jacob i ran in the bathroom and started balling my eyes out i wish they'd just die and go to hell man ..i sat in there crying for about 10 minutes after i cleaned my self up i was officially late to first hour but i took my time because it was math and i got an A+ in that class so it didnt matter only problem is i have jacob in that class with me hopefully he doesnt mess with me in here HOPEFULLY

i sat down in the far back of the class room and put my head down and went to sleep 


Dad: are you a little hoe just like your momma *smack*

Little me: *crying* please stop daddy

Dad: bitch shut the fuck up and lay down *tries to take off my pants*

Me:*kicks him were the sun doesnt shine and runs in a closet*

Dad: *groaning and weeping* you little bitch

Me: *in the closet breathing quietly* sniffles and breaths and moves back and something dropped and made a big noise

Dad: *opens the closet door and pulled me out by my hair and begins to beat me un concious*


Me: *woke Up Screaming*

Jacob: bitch stfu you little freak

*The whole class laughs and points *

i started to cry and i ran out the school over to my littlehiding spot i made a while ago and i just sat there and layed down and cried until i dosed off.

Secondd Chapterrr i think im doing good :) VOTE/COMMENT/LIKE For the next chapter

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