VanossGaming X Reader pt.5

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I'm kinda out of ideas as to what to write so if the parts are short i'm sorry.I know easter has passed but maybe the next part can be easter related.Word count:817

Your pov:

I couldn't wait for Evan to finish showering so I fell asleep on his bed.After a few minutes I could hear the door open but I pretended to be asleep.While I was listening to what Evan was doing I could hear a skype call.I wanted to talk to the guys but if I pretend to wake up maybe Evan wouldn't talk about the same topics he would talk about if I was asleep.I just listened to the guys teasing him about us being cute together and Tyler warning him about my place.Evan didn't seem bothered by the fact that I needed to stay longer.Maybe he liked my company.I heard him say goodbye to the guys and I could feel his stair on me.I didn't hear any movement and soon fell asleep for real but before I did I heard Evan say"I love you."

Evan pov:

I kept staring at her wanting her to be my girlfriend.I noticed that she was faking it to be asleep after I started the skype call.I wanted to tell her I loved her but I needed to wait for her to really fall asleep.I noticed that after a while she finally fell asleep and I told her how I felt.I even kissed her cheek.I hoped that she was asleep and i snuggled next to her my shirtless body touching hers.She looked beautiful in that top.I soon fell asleep to.

Tyler pov:

I told the guys about me and Brock having a sleepover.After a few minutes I told the guys bye.I turned to look at Brock.He was waiting for me to talk."So the thing is I have a crush on (Y/N).""Then just tell her.""I can't.""Why not?""Don't tell this to the rest of the guys but me and (Y/N) have been friends sense children and I have liked her sense then but she likes Evan.I can't tell her that I like her because she might start hating me.""(Y/N) would never hate you.""I don't know about that.""Just trust me.You can tell her how you feel tomorrow.""Fine and Brock thanks.""Your welcome."

Time skip to mourning

Your pov:

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.I tried to stand up to answer it but i got puled back into the bed.Just then I noticed that Evan was hugging me while sleeping.His bed hair was ridiculously cute.I poked him on the cheek so he would wake up.He looked at me with those brown eyes asking me to stay in bed."No.Evan let me go.""What if I don't want to.It's so nice sleeping next to you.We should do this more often.""I wish we could be we can't.""Why not.It's not like we have feelings for each other."After I heard that tears started coming out.I wanted them to stop and tell him that I do love him.I thought that he loved em too since I heard him say it but it must have been my imagination.I ran into the bathroom changed to the clothes I wore yesterday and ran as fast as I could.I could hear Evan calling my name but I didn't stop running until I noticed that I didn't know where I was.

Evan pov:

I hear a phone ringing and I knew that (Y/N) would go to pick it up so I pull her towards me.She pokes my cheek to wake me up but I already was.She tells me to let her go but I wanted to keep hugging her.I suggest we do this more often but she says that we can't.I lied to her by saying that it doesn't matter because we didn't have feelings for each other.I knew I fucked up.Tears ran down her beautiful face.She ran to the bathroom and then outside.I called after her hoping for her to stop running and tell her that I liked her and that I didn't mean what I just said.She didn't stop.I couldn't run after her because I was shirtless so I went back in the house and changed my clothes.Then I called all the guys on skype telling them it's an emergency."What happened Evan?"was everyone's response excepts Tyler's."(Y/N) ran away after I told her that we didn't have feeling for each other.""YOU DID WHAT!"Tyler shouted and probably his whole neighborhood heard him."She loves you Evan and you told her you don't like her. ""I love her too but I didn't have time to correct myself. I will tell you what happened later but first we need to find (Y/N). We can split in groups of 2 and look for her."Everyone agreed but I couldn't stop thinking for what Tyler said.She loved me.Now I feel like a total dick.We all split into our groups and started looking.Hopefully I find her first and tell her how I feel.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.I wonder who will find you first and what you would do.Will you tell Evan how you feel or will Ty confess his feelings to you first?

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