VanossGaming X Reader pt.3

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I tried adding some drama to this part as request from a friend and i hope the rest of you enjoy!Word count:640

Your pov:

As soon as you said goodbye to Tyler you ran to your room.You were so happy.Even if you didn't tell Evan how you felt you got to place his head on your lap.You wanted to get to know him better so you texted him.



Y:Do you want to hang out together?Just the two of us?

E:Sound like fun!Where are we going?

Y:How about a park?

E:Okay see you tomorrow.

Y:See you.

You couldn't believe you got yourself a date with Evan."(Y/N) dinner is ready.Come down here""Coming."Usually you finished your dinner but today you were to excited so you couldn't finish.Your mom got worried about you and asked what happened and you just said that you were fine.This time you set your alarm earlier than what you were supposed to wake up but just in case you couldn't wake up.

Evan pov:

I was still walking home when i received a message from (Y/N).She was asking if I could hang out with her.I couldn't resist so I just agreed.I wanted to talk to her more.The more i learn about her the easier it would be to find out if she does like me but by her behavior she seems to have a stronger relationship with Tyler.I couldn't wait till tomorrow.Maybe just maybe i could ask her on another date.Once i reached my place i got a message from Lui.

L: Wasn't (Y/N) gorgeous.

E:Yeah she was.Wait a minute don't tell me you have a crush on her?

L:So what if I do?


L:See you later.

I opened my door to see my ex standing at the door."What do you want?""Nothing.Can't I see my boyfriend?""I ain't your boyfriend anymore."After that statement your ex closed the space between you and kissed you.You pushed her away."Go away I never want to see your face.""Fine."Your ex left but you were still angry for her kissing you.You decided to just eat and wait till tomorrow comes and you can see (Y/N) again.

(Time skip till meeting up time)

Your pov:

You were late once again.This time your kept you to check if you were sick or something.You thought you looked lame being late to a date you asked for.Once you saw Evan you sped up.You were running as fast as you could and you nearly got to Evan but you tripped on a rock and started falling.Evan went to catch you but he fell with you and your lips touched.You couldn't believe you just kiss Evan and that he was your first.As soon as you were about to apologize his ex came out of nowhere.She pushed you out of the way and went to check if Evan was okay.You didn't understand. Didn't they brake up?You went to talk to his ex but she slapped you."WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!""For taking MY man!""He doesn't belong to anyone!"You two continues arguing until Evan stepped in.

Evan pov:

I couldn't believe her.First she dumps me then starts making a scene.I could tell that if my ex didn't stop (Y/N) would probably start a fight.Between the two I knew that (Y/N) would win."He cheated on me with you!"He heard his ex say.He went mad.He went up to her and told her to go fuck herself.He finally kissed (Y/N) but the moment got ruined by her.She finally left and I grabbed (Y/N) hand and pulled her away from the crowd that formed.I could hear her sobbing.If Tyler saw this he would have killed the bitch."(Y/N) i'm sorry that you met my ex the hard way.""No thats fine."It was my turn to comfort her.I let go of her hand and sit on a near by bench.I pulled (Y/N) to sit on my lap.We continues talking like nothing happened until she talked about up the kiss.

Tell me how good you think I did with this part in the comments.I hope you enjoyed reading this part and I can tell you that a confession is coming up but whose?Tell me in the comments who you think would confess to who.

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