Freak Week Part 3

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Chapter 3:

"Hello father" Harry says. The figure has been standing in the doorway for hours now, clearly waiting for something. Not saying anything he steps forward and hands Harry a medium sized cardboard box with a note attached to the top and walks away. Harry is standing dumbfounded staring at the space where the man had been.

"Okay, what the hell was that about, he's not really your father is he?" Crush says anxiously as though he is walking on egg shells.

"Yes, I have not seen him since the first Freak Week, he ran out into the storm. I know we can't trust him and that he'll come back". This is the most vague Harry has ever been, normally he has no issues telling you what's wrong. "Would you open this for me?" he asks me.

"Are you sure? I mean of course I will". Placing the box in the centre of the basement I tear of the note from the top and read it out clearly, everyone is holding their breath, waiting for what is about to come. "There isn't enough time for conversations now, I must cut to the chase...."

"How ironic, he was in the door way for no less that four hours!" Banana cuts in. Glaring at her I carry on.

"I am informing you out of my own free will. What you find in this box will be an utter surprise to you but you must protect it with your life. The safety of the humans depends on it." And with that the note comes to a rather abrupt end.

"Well open it then" Mr. Kevin says. I slide my house key along the tape at the top of the box and pull open the flaps. I haven't heard the room so hushed.

"What the......?" Harry says. Looking up at us is a little golden duck.

"I guess you could say that I wasn't expecting that!" I declare.

"I swear he must be having some sort of joke! It has got to be an effect of Freak Week that has turned him bonkers!" Banana laughs. Somehow I'm not sure she is right, but who am I to tell the others that?

After we have thought about all the scientific reasons why a duck can be gold, with no explanation we decide it's all due to Freak Week.

"Oh my......Lace, your hair is.....growing.....upwards!" Marmie splutters to me.

"What the hell are you talking about Marmie?" I lift my hand to my head and fell that my hair is standing in end as though I have had an electric shock. I run over the mirror to see the full extent of what is happening.

"It looks of those little trolls that are supposed to be lucky, you know?" Mr. Kevin says bouncing over to us. Suddenly all the other's hair stands on end and begins to grow and change colour. Once we are all confused and I guess you could say feather brained-you get it, duck....feather? Robot Diary come on seriously! Banana's changes to a bright shade of 'banana' yellow.

"Oh my goodness, I wish my hair could stay like this forever!" It's unlike Banana to be quite so happy about an effect of Freak Week but maybe she just needs cheering up a bit. Marmie's changes to pink, Crush's to orange, Mr. Kevin's to green, Harry's to red and finally, mine turns to a pretty shade of turquoise.

"Wow Lace, that's very beautiful!" Crush giggles.

"Okay Crush really? Why are you acting like this?!" I bark at him although his orange hair is quite amusing.

"Be more happy Lace!" 

"Guys, I have a thought....." I say.

"Wow guys, Lace has a thought, this is a rare occasion!"

"Very funny Harry but I'm serious, and smarter than you! What a if the colour of our hair reflects our personality? Crush has been acting very happy, warm and bubbly, hence his hair is orange.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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