SHE FOLLOWED THE SKY - Matsukaze Tenma x Reader

Start from the beginning

"I'm coming, Shinsuke!"

"Bring it on!"

(F/N) watched the practice in amusement. The way they played, it attracted her for sure. Tenma who noticed her smiled and took a seat near her without saying anything. Just looking at the other practicing.

"Seems fun.."

"Eh?" Tenma didn't hear her clear.

"Soccer." The girl pointed at the players.

"Ah, yeah. It is fun!" Tenma laughed. "Wanna learn to play?"

"Eh? Can i really..?"

Tenma stood up and pulled her to the field. "Guys! (F/N) wanna play with us too!!"

(F/N)'s face soon filled with crimson red. "N-No..! W-Wait! I-I could never.."

Shindou walked to her with a ball on his right hand. "Why not? Everyone can learn how to play." He said, smiling.

"Come on, everyone! Today's practice is to teach (F/N) how to play!" Endou suddenly popped out.

"Ookaayy!!" everyone cheered, making the girl flustered.

She entered her house without any problem. Besides not only the team, her parents also ignored her lately. She ran straight to her room, locked the door and hid inside her blanket.

The memory won't stop playing around her head. She hated it. she hated it now. She wanted it to stop, but still it won't go.

"I love those moments.." (F/N) whispered, wiping away her flowing tears. "I don't wanna loose them.. please take me back.. Why won't you.. take me back..?"

She cried and cried, and eventually she fell asleep, a dreamless sleep. Not a perfect pair for the girl's condition right now. But still, it's better rather than having dreams about them.

[Meanwhile, back at Tenma and the other]

They just finished their training. But Tenma didn't have the ussual spark. Not anymore recently to be exact. The other were worying for him, so as the adults. Endou, Kidou, Haruna, and Gouenji. They were worried sick for him.

Kurama was taking his bottle when he saw Tenma sitting all alone again. This time he decided to speak with him.

"Tenma. Mind if i ask you something?"

Tenma shooked his head.

"Earlier, when my shoot went out. Why did you bother to catch the ball anyway?"

No answer from Tenma for a while. Kurama wanted to call him out of his daydream, but instead he kept waiting for Tenma to speak on his own.

"I don't want the ball hit her."

"E-Eh..?" Kurama suprised. "Tenma, don't tell me.. (F/N).. again..?"

Tenma nooded slowly, and it invited Kurama's frustration. He groanned loudly and scratched his hair violently. Kurama's action accidentally gained everyone's attention.

"Tenma, look! I thought we already agree about this!" Kurama said in iritation.

"Okay, look. Maybe you're just tired, okay? Why don't you just go home and take a good night rest. We can't having you like this until the end of school, right?" Nishiki suggested.

Tenma nooded slowly and picked up his stuffs before he went to change his clothes. Kurama sighed.

"What's up with him.. Babling about her all of the sudden again." Kurama said. "We should forget about her, once and for all anyway. Remembering her won't do any good."

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