Trouble Brewing?

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Ok, so, this has been a long time coming. There are many reasons for it but I don't want to get into that right now. That being said, I don not know how often I am going to be able to update ANY of my fics as I am in the process of moving and I do not know how long I will have internet for. 

So, what I am going to do is try and get out as many chapters as I can over the course of the coming weekend. They may not be perfect, but they will be something.

Enough about that then, on with the story!!


Shadow awoke in the early morning in an empty bed. Rubbing at him tired eyes, he looked around Side's room, trying to find his boyfriend. He frowned when he noted Side wasn't there. He could hear the faint voices from downstairs which meant the younger had already gone down for breakfast.

What did he have to do? Wait for Side to come get him or go down by himself? That thought made him feel a little awkward. Shadow sighed as he slid from the comfort of the duvet, stretching his aching muscles. Might as well grab a shower and head down.

Moving to his bag, he grabbed a change of clothes and laid them on the bed before heading to Side's bathroom. He turned on the shower, allowing the water to heat up as he brushed his teeth. Once the water was at the right temperature, Shadow entered the shower, closing his eyes as the warm water instantly relaxed his aches. 

Shadow scrubbed at his hair, using Side's shampoo, smiling a little at the thought of him smelling like his boyfriend. God, he was turning sappy. He finished cleaning up and stepped out the shower, turning of the spray and wrapped a towel around himself. He opened the bedroom door and froze, staring wide eyed at the person sitting on Side's bed. 

"Albi asked me to come and tell you breakfast was ready." Rea spoke quietly, her eyes drifting down in body. Shadow could feel the heat of her gaze and he had never felt so uncomfortable. This was his boyfriend's sister watching him like he was a piece of meat. He couldn't answer her, instead nodding at the invite downstairs. 

Rea stood, flipping her hair out of her face. She stepped up close to him, breaking into his personal space and laid a hand on his naked shoulder.

"Don't keep me waiting." She said sultry, her hand running down his arm before heading for the door. She stopped in the door way and looked back over her shoulder, giving Shadow a wink. Shadow was in complete shock, staring at the now closed door.

What the fuck had just happened?! Needless to say, Shadow had never got dressed as fast as he did right then, not caring as he tripped over his own feet. He grabbed his hat and shoved it on his still wet hair with no care before heading downstairs, which to him, felt like some kind of death wish.


Side was sitting around the dinning room table, waiting for Shadow to come downstairs to join the for breakfast. He had heard the shower running not too long ago, so he knew it wouldn't be too long before his boyfriend joined them. 

However, he was not expecting Shadow to make an appearance still dripping wet from his hair and red in the face. Side got up from his seat, moving fast to Shadow's side before his parent could notice Shadow's disheveled look. He grabbed the older man's hand and pulled him into the hallway swiftly.

"What's going on Shadow?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. His jaw dropped as he listened to what Shadow had just experienced, upset for his boyfriend but livid at his sister. How dare she try and make a move on him.

"I will talk to her OK?" Side leaned forward and rested his forehead on Shadow's, looking deep into the emerald eyes. He could see and feel Shadow relax into him, his arms wrapping around Side's waist just as Rea came down the stairs. He watched as her eyes narrowed at them, an almost snarl appearing on her face.

"Why don't you save that shit for the bedroom Albi, no one needs to see it." Rea hissed out as Shadow stiffened in his arms. He could tell Shadow did not like his sister one bit and he did not want her coming between them or pushing Shadow away.

"And why don't you fuck off." He growled out, again grabbing Shadow's hand and leading him to the front door.

"Mom, me and Shadow are going out for breakfast." Side called out as he bent down to put on his shoes. He could hear his mother come out into the hallway as he opened the front door.

"But Albi sweetie, breakfast is already cooked. Why are you going out?" Side hated the sadness in his moms voice but turned to face her as he pointed at Rea.

"Why don't you ask her? And whilst you're at it, tell her to stay out of my room, especially when Shadow is here." And with that he left the house, gesturing for Shadow to follow.

"I'm sorry Roza." Shadow apologized before heading off after an angry Sidearms.


Ok, so this is a very short chapter. Its 2:45 am and can't function right but needed to get something together for you guys.

More to come real soon.

Next time:

-Rea acts like Rea, the manipulative girl

-Side's very homophobic cousin pays the family a visit

-And Shadow might just get into a little fight with him

Much love!

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