Chapter three

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   My next blocks were science and then history but I could barely focus. I didn't really have a thing for teddy or anything of course, but apparently my 3 different friends started getting a thing for teddy's three different friends. How weird was that? And most of all, Taylor actually liked Chris? I mean, sure he wasn't that bad but...really? I worried that high school really would tear us apart if that was who she liked. My mind spinning every which way, I barely heard the bell or noticed people packing up. I started gathering my belongings and shoving them in my bag. I had made it through the first day of high school and it had sure been a doozy. My friends and I met at the school doors to walk home together and when I tried to make eye contact with Taylor she quickly diverted. We walked along the road silently until Francesca spoke up.
"So that was pretty weird at lunch, right?" She laughed awkwardly.
"Yeah! But really, I do like that Gordie kid." Meredith responded. Taylor and I remained quiet.
"I hope they keep sitting with us." Francesca exclaimed.
I sure didn't.
"Why? I mean they are sort of funny and everything but a little immature, don't ya think?" I challenged.
"No! I like them." Meredith shot back.
"You do realize they are not the best, like, people to hang around don't you?" I asked. I was surprised to hear Taylor speak up.
"Lanie, my god, chill. You always said to not judge people until you know them. I don't come from the best background do I? And you're friends with me. So why don't you just stop!" I stared up at her stunned, and Meredith and Francesca did the same. We had all stopped in the street. It was true, I had always said that. And with her alcoholic father who left her family, and a mother that was never one of those people automatically loved by society, she didn't exactly come from a great background. But I didn't judge her. I loved her because she was an amazing person. Maybe I should stop worrying about what other people would think. Maybe I shouldn't judge teddy because he was immature or Chris because of his family, or anyone else for any reason. Because even though we are all different souls with different goals, we're still all walking down the same road-life.
"Taylor-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."my eyes hit the floor as I stuttered out a response.
"It's okay's okay. I'm sorry." Taylor said, her blue eyes that had been a raging storm in the ocean a few moments ago softened to to a bright blue sky on a sunny day, the way they usually were.
"I really do understand what your saying. And I'm sorry too." I said, smiling a small smile. She smiled a large one and so did my other friends. We continued walking down the road, once again silent, but this time a peaceful, happy silence.

So sorry for the super short chapter but I wanted to get in an update today! I also liked how it ended so I decided to go ahead and end the chapter👌🙃 vote comment and follow I follow back!

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