Chapter two

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   My friends and I  had planned ahead that we would meet outside, but that was as far as we got. I pushed my way through hoards of people, my eyes searching for Taylor's straight blonde hair, Francesca's red curls, or Meredith's brown braids. Finally I saw someone waving over at me from a table on the far right side of the courtyard.  There they all were sitting together like old times. Before I rushed over, I paused and hoped it would always be like this. Sighing, I made my way over to the table and sat on the side of the bench bedside Taylor.
"So how has your day been?" Meredith asked, he blues eyes shining with excitement.
"It was good! I'm guessing from the way you look that yours was too?"
"It was!" 
"What about everyone else's?" I asked, motioning to Francesca and Taylor.
"It was great!" Francesca replied.
"Same with me." Taylor said, but she didn't seem as enthusiastic as the others. We all took our lunches out of our brown paper bags and I started chowing down on my peanut butter sandwich. Just as I looked up I saw who else but Teddy walking up to me.
"Hey Lanie!" Teddy called. "You never gave me and answer about lunch." He smirked. There was then a choir of laughter from behind him and I saw three other boys: A kid I vaguely knew because his brother was a football  star who died in a car wreck his name was...something Lachance, another boy I didn't know who was a little on the chubby side, and another boy...Chris chambers.
"Who's this?" Taylor asked, elbowing my side and laughing.
"Nobody, just a kid from English class." I responded.
"Well um... I guess y'all can sit with us?" I answered him, not wanting to be rude. I glanced over at my friends and they all nodded.
"Sweet!" Teddy exclaimed, as he sat down beside me. The Lachance kid and the other one sat down across from us and Chris sat on the other side of Taylor. Then it hit me. What was I thinking? Why was a chambers sitting beside me on the first day of high school? We're these the types of boys I wanted to be around? Trying to calm myself down, I reminded myself that Teddy and his friends would probably have a whole new table of girls to sit with by tomorrow.
"So...should you introduce us?" I asked Teddy.
"Of course! That to your left is Chris, then across is Gordie and Vern."
"Nice to meet y'all! " I said and the others chimed in with phrases to the same effect.
"Well as you know, I'm Lanie, this is Taylor, and that's Francesca and Meredith."
"Nice to meet you girls." Chris said.
"Yeah same." Said Gordie and vern.
We all started pulling out our lunches and eating.
"So teddy was telling us a very interesting story in English class." I smirked.
"Lanie! I'm not supposed to tell." Teddy yelled, yet he was laughing.
"Well you told our class." I laughed.
"What was it?" Taylor asked, and the other girls looked at me with anticipation. Chris stared at teddy with an annoyed look.
"Teddy you didn't..." Chris started.
"Sorry I couldn't hold a story like that back." Teddy said, squirming.
"I just want to know what happened!" Francesca exclaimed.
"Why don't you tell them teddy!" I said.
Teddy continued to tell his story about how they found Ray brower's body but in more detail. He said that Ace and his crazy gang had almost killed them but Gordie had a gun and said he would kill him if he tried. I was actually shocked by the whole story and found it amazing. I couldn't believe boys like this were capable of stuff like that.
"How did you know where his body was again?" Meredith asked.
"Vern heard his brother and friend talking about where it was." Teddy revealed.
"I wish I never would've told you people about hearing that. We almost got killed trying to find it!" Vern exclaimed.
"Aw come on verno!" Chris laughed, and we all joined in. These people did not actually get on my nerves as much as I thought they would. I continued eating while small talk continued around the table.
Suddenly we noticed that lunch was almost over and we started gathering our belongings.
"So shall I see you girls here tomorrow?" Teddy asked.
I was about to say thanks but no thanks when Francesca lit up and said "of course!" She would do that with her vulnerable and kind spirit. As much as I admired that, I really wished she hadn't said yes.
"Great! See ya in class Lanie." Teddy winked and went on his way.
"Bye Lanie, Taylor, Meredith and Francesca!" Chris said smiling as he finally finished off our list of names.
"Bye! See ya!" Taylor replied.
We had a couple more minutes until we had to be back in class so we walked slowly together talking.
"Oh my gosh, that kid was so cute..." Meredith babbled.
"I'm he's okay." I replied.
"I was actually surprised at how nice he was." Taylor said.
"I liked his nickname verno...wait...I know your not talking about him..." Francesca's eyes widened.
"No! I'm not talking about Vern! What do you think he's cute?" Meredith guffawed.
"'s nice. I was thinking about him and what I just said just slipped out." Francesca struggled to explain.
"Well of course I was talking about Gordie." Meredith continued.
"What?! I was thinking about teddy!" I was talking about Teddy, she was talking about Gordie, and Francesca was talking about Vern.
"I was taking about Chris..." Taylor mumbled.
"What?!!" The rest of us yelled in unison. Before we could continue our conversation the bells started ringing and we had to to run back to class. Well...this sure would be an interesting year.
Thanks for checking this book out it means so much to me! I know this chapter was badly written but the rest should be better😂👌 don't forget to comment and vote! Also follow me I follow back! ❤️

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