Chapter 9: The Bull vs. Hedgehog

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Jillian and The Guy walked to a Bey Stadium that wasn't used at the moment, Pink and Purple followed them seeing if Jillian can win.

They Arrived at the bey stadium, Pink and Purple sit in the stands near the bottom. The Guy walked around the bey stadium to the Red side, Jillian took the blue side. The Guy looked at Jillian straight in the eyes.

"My Name is Benkei Hanawa and This is My Bey, Dark Bull!" Benkei says as he shows his BeyBlade to Jillian.

Jillian smiles. "Don't quote me on My Name but, My Name is Renée Kishatu and this is My Bey, Hedgehog X!" Jillian says as she shows her BeyBlade to Benkei.

Benkei speaks in his mind. "Why is her Face Bolt Sticker on the side and not in the middle?" Benkei clears his mind. "Ok, let's start this already!" Benkei says as he puts his bey on his launcher. Jillian did the same.




"LET IT RIP!" Benkei and Jillian say as the launch their beys into the Stadium.

Dark Bull clashes with 50% of its strength. Hedgehog X clashes with 25% of its strength because Jillian knows that Half of what Dark Bull is using right now can match Hedgehog X's strength even if it's just little of Hedgehog X's Strength.

"We're matched with are strength. You're pretty strong Renée!"

"You're pretty strong too, Benkie!"

"But not strong enough to defeat my bey! DARK BULL!"

As Jillian and Benkie fight, Purple and Pink start a conversation as they watch them fight.

"Wow! So this is what a BeyBattle is like?" Pink says excited then looks at Purple.

"You've never seen a BeyBattle ever? We're part of Renée, remember?" Purple says as she looked at Pink.

"Stop saying Renée! I want to call her by her real name!"

"We can't!"

"Why not?!"

"Read Renée's Mind and it'll tell you why!"

Pink closes her eyes to concentrate, she reads Jillian's mind to see what's up. She sees that The Police has been on Jillian's Tail for quite a while now. Pink opens her eyes and looked at Purple.

"Geez really?"

"Yeah, It's that rough. If we reveal her true ident-"

"Wait! I'm picking up something!"

"What is it now?"

Pink closes her eyes again to sense the aura. The Aura feels like Jillian's Sister's Aura. If Pink remembers correctly, Jillian's Sister knows NOTHING about BeyBlade. Pink opens her eyes again.

Pink laughed nervously. "Uh.. Forget I said anything!"

"What did you feel?"

"I felt Jillian's Sister's Aura but she can't be here! She knows nothing about the BeyBlade world!"

"Didn't Brett-"

"Who's Brett?"

"Jillian's Sister's Nickname. Anyways, didn't she say that her Anime Hair Color would be blue?"

"I don't pay attention."

"Anyways, Where is this person?"

"The person is coming up behind you in 5 seconds."

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