Me: How when im not with them im always with you and the girls.

Talia: Let's just try. He a trick and anything we ask for he gonna get it for us.

Me: Lol nooo, I already dubbed him. Go ahead and do it.

Talia: Nope I only was gonna do it if you was gonna do it. and plus im crushing on some nigga that I met on the train today. He was cute.

Me: Yessss tell me everything.

Talia: He average height, light skin with the deepest dimples in the world its so attractive. He caught me starring at him mad times so he was like you see something you like? And I start laughing and then we start talking and shit. Reg. I got ole boy number.

Me: Yesssss. talk to you later when I'm on break, love you bff

Talia: I Love you more.

"We all going to Apple bees after work. We wanted to know if you were interested in coming?" Renee said. "Yeah I'll go. Ima tell my best friend don't come and pick me up." I said sending a text to Durk. We left out the back and start helping people get sneakers. It was kind of a busy day because it was Friday and you know people get paid. I did a couple of people. It was fine because I rather do work instead of sitting there. So I kept running up and down going to find sneakers.

"Okay come on." Renee grabbed my hand as we went inside the cab. Tasha was acting like a ass taking up a lot of space. "Why y'all don't pay ya own cab?" She asked. "That's what I'm saying like." I rolled my eyes. "So go ahead." She mumbled but I heard her. "No she don't have too. She in here right with us." Monique said and I smirked and sat down. "I haven't had apple bees in a minute. Me and my best friends used to go just for the fun of it because it used to be at the corner of the neighborhood so that was like the buffet. But we stopped going because... Never mind." I shrugged. "Damn I wish I was with y'all. None of that was where I came from. It was mad expensive shit." Lucas laughed. "Because your parents raised you in a good neighborhood." Tasha smiled. "That shit was boring. I wanted to be in the ghetto until I actually moved here. And shit start going south." He said in a sad voice. I automatically felt bad for him. "Aww everybody life is not on the top of the hills. Its fine to have obstacles. You come to work everyday with a smile on your face you could've fooled me." I smiled. "That's what everybody say about me. I give off a great vibe." He smiled. That smile made my heart smile. And its not like I like him or anything but the energy he gives off I guess gives me life. "You do." Renee said. "Anywayssss my birthday coming uppppp ya poppin out?" Monique asked. "You gonna have the fire girls there?" Lucas asked. "Don't do that." Stephanie said pushing him. He laughed a little. "I mean I'm cute and so is all the bitches I be around. You coming too right Ann Marie?" She asked. "I would, only if I can bring my girls?" I asked. "You sure can, no niggas though." She said. "That's fine." I said and Talia called me. "Hello?" I answered. "Where you at? I'm at your house." She said "on my way to Applebee's with some co workers." I said. "Oh okay then ima leave see you whenever." She said. "Meet me there and I'll pay for you and your cab." I said. "Okay what Applebee's?" She asked mad excited. "See and you was just about to catch an attitude. But the one down town by the other restaurants." I said. "Okay I'm on my way ima call you when I get over there." She said. "Okay." And we hung up. "Remind me to neverrrr take directions from you." Tasha laughed mad loud. "When you think about it this Applebee's is with all the restaurants." Renee said. "Damnn." Stephanie said. "That's what I'm saying." Tasha said and I laughed a little. Yo these bitches don't even know me and Talia will violate both of them they better be lucky I want this job. I held my tongue, I've learned this growing up. I used to say what ever came to mind when I was younger to who ever.
Getting to Apple Bee's Talia was already there talking to some boy. "Hi best friend." I hugged her mad tight. "Hi Marie. Later Daniel it was nice meeting you." She shook his hand. "Who that?" I asked as we walked away. "Some guy that paid my cab for me and he wanted me to go to the bowling alley but I said umm no." We start laughing. We already had seats for some reason it was kind empty tonight. "How was work?" She asked. "Regular." I smiled. "Why you didn't put me on about cutie pie?" She whispered. "Ima tell you later." We start laughing. "But that's Renee, Monique, Lucas, Tasha and Stephanie. This Talia." Everybody waved. "Let me tell you about Jackieeeee." She exaggerated her name. "I don't even want to hear it she play too much with everything." I laughed. "She fucking Johnny now." She whispered. "Wait... Don't tell me no more." I shook my head and here come the waitress.

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