Realization hit me as I remembered what happened and how I got here; I started to panic.

"Harry...w-where's Harry?" My voice quivered.

"Probably punching walls as he desperately tries to figure out where we've taken you." Jack said smugly.

I looked away from him. I had to toughen up, I couldn't let him see how scared I was. I couldn't let him use that against me or Harry.

"But don't worry," He continued. "He'll be here eventually to try to save you."

"He will save me, I know he will." I said assuredly.

He chuckled. "So naïve."

I glared at him.

"Do you like the red silk sheets? They set the mood, don't you find?" He asked, trailing his finger along the top of my chest.

"I'm more concerned about the fact that I'm tied to the bed." I replied sharply.

He looked at me with a tight-lipped smile. "I had to do that to ensure that you wouldn't be able to fight me off...also, I like a girl tied makes them helpless..."

"Vulnerable..." He leaned closer to me and I tried to wiggle out of my restraints unsuccessfully. I tensed as he placed a soft kiss to my neck.

"You smell so good." He mumbled into my skin, kissing my neck again.

"Stop...please..." I begged.

He lifted his head to meet my eyes. "It amazes me that you'd let Harry do something like this but you're highly resistant towards me."

"Harry's nothing like you." I spat.

He laughed. "You don't know him like I do, sweetie."

"I know the real him."

"Oh? So he's told you everything? He hasn't kept anything from you at all?" He smiled smugly, raising his eyebrows at me.

"The only things he's kept from me were for my safety."

"What did he keep from you?" Jack asked amusedly.

I hesitated. "He wouldn't tell me what his special power is." I said quietly.

Jack nodded, smiling widely, almost laughing at my answer. "He kept that from you because he's afraid. Anything he's kept from you is probably related to his vampire side, correct?"

I gave a small nod.

"He's afraid of scaring you away." Jack laughed.

"What is his ability?" I asked. I guessed that Jack would have no problem telling me, especially if he thought it would make me fear Harry.

"He can bring a human's worst fear to life. Scare them to death with the thing they fear the most."

The memory of the night the power went out at the café came to the front of my mind.

"What are your fears?" Harry's voice echoed through my mind. That was the first question he had asked me that night. But he wouldn't ask that question so he could use his ability on me, would he?

A musical tone sounded and I looked around, searching for my cellphone even though I couldn't grab it.

"Don't worry, sweetie, I've got it." Jack said, as if reading my mind. I struggled against my restraints again as Jack put my phone to his ear.

"Ah, Harry, checking in on your little angel?" heart fluttered knowing it was him. I wished I could hear his voice. I wished he were here with me.

"You know, your girlfriend looks cute when she's sleeping." Jack continued to taunt him, I couldn't hear Harry's response, but I could imagine he was angry.

Jack ran his fingers along my thigh, moving upwards, pulling up the hem of my dress.

"Please..." I whimpered.

"I'm not hurting her, Harry. Actually if you listen closely I think you'll hear just how much she's enjoying this."

I was about to protest but Jack slapped a hand over my mouth, roughly kissing my shoulder, up to my neck.

― Harry ―

"You leave her alone, Jack!" I shouted into the phone.

A small whimper could be heard on the other line. I knew it was Dair. It killed me not knowing what he was doing to her although I had an idea. I had to try and ignore the mental images going through my mind or else I'd probably lose it.

"Sorry Harry, I'm going to have to cut this short, I have some fun to attend to." Jack mused.

"Don't you dare hang up! Tell me where you are!" I yelled.

Jack hung up without answering.

I threw my phone at the wall in anger and buried my face in my hands.

I started to take a few deep breaths to try and calm myself. I closed my eyes and cleared my head as much as I could. I tried to focus on Dair, trying to will myself to see where she was. We had an obvious connection, maybe I could use that to find her somehow.

My nose crinkled with a sudden familiar scent.

"Dair..." I whispered, trying to call out to her.

I kept my eyes closed and continued to focus.

"You smell so delicious..." Jack spoke.

I could see them in my mind now...Jack, he was kissing Dair's neck. I wasn't quite sure how i was able to see them. It was like I was almost in the room with them but not completely. I could only see them, I couldn't do anything. Maybe my powers were growing? Along with my connection to Dair, maybe it brought on this new ability.

A knot formed in my stomach, seeing him kiss her; I was the only one allowed to kiss her neck, or any part of her for that matter.

Dair didn't approve of his actions though. Her wrists and ankles were bound to the bed and she was squirming, trying to get away from him. My heart or something inside of me ached for her, I wished that I was there to save her.

Jack lifted her dress up slowly, caressing her thighs and her stomach, teasingly brushing his fingers over her lower region. Fuck, I wanted to kill him. I clenched my fists, my anger gradually rising as I watched him touch her.

His lips grazed over her sweet spot between her neck and collarbone emitting a moan from Dair. This would have put me over the edge if not for one important detail.


My name came from her mouth. Jack and Dair seemed just as surprised as I was. I could feel her emotions just like I was in the room with her. It wasn't that Jack reminded her of me, it was that she was thinking of me, she wanted me.

Her saying my name shot right through me, I can't explain it but it did something to me. And somehow I automatically knew where to find her.

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