I heard what I thought was an angel's voice, I open my eyes to see Sarah and think It is an angel. "Wh...where are we?" I asked still half asleep "We are at a beach" she replied excited. I looked around, yeah it was a beach but no one was there. It was a private beach on a private road. Next thing I know the passangers door swings open and my seatbelt was off. "Come on" she said pulling my hand slightly. I got up, and again she held my hand but this time we were walking on a beach. "It's beautiful" I said looking at her "It is isn't it" she agreed. "There is something I want to show you" she said. "What is it?" I smiled as she ran away from me. The way her hair flew in the wind, it was like swomething you would see in the movies. I ran after her, noticing she had stopped by a rock. I walked up behind her and held her, it felt so good to have her in my arms. We sat there on the rock watching the sunset, it was amazing.

Victoria's P.O.V.

"Victoria" My teacher wanted my to answer a question I didn't even know. "huh" I looked up realising the whole class was looking at me. "The answer" my teacher said, in a more stern voice then before. "I don't know" I replied slouching down in my seat "You need to pay attention" the teacher looked at me irratated. I looked at the paper I had written all over it. It said: I love you Jessie, Erica you're the best. I looked at the paper confused Did I write that? I thought to myself while checking my phone for the time, it was 1:50. Thank goodness school was almost over just ten more dreadful minutes , the bell rang in what seemed two minutes but I didn't mind. This time I pulled out my phone and checked the messages on my phone, Erica texted me wondering if I could take her home I told her yeah. Had to get my car, but I took her home and she was back in my car in minutes. "So....what you wanna do?" she asked me "Uh what did you have in mind?" I saw a smiled spread across her face. "Your parents aren't home right?" she asked me secretly. "Yeah, there gone for the week they'll be back on Sunday." To think it was only Monday, I had the house to myself for seven days. Her smile got even bigger "Can I spend the week?" she smiled that seductive smile. "I dont see why not" I smiled back. "Yay, give me a second to pack" She got out of the car and ran back into her house and back in what seemed the matter of ninety seconds making me wonder if she had this planned out the whole time. "Okay, I am ready" she told me then kissed my cheek, I must of blushed again because she said "Aww". I carried her bags into the house which made her made because I didn't let her carry any. "I get it your strong you dont have to show off" She said with a smile on her face. I put her stuff in my room "Where's the bathroom?" she asked. "It's down the hall, there's another one downstairs too" I replied thinking of what was going to happen between us. I went downstairs to put on a movie on for us. I heard her get out the bathroom and go into my room What is she doing in there? I wondered. I heard her then walking down the stairs Act normal I told myself for what I thought was no reason. She sat beside me on the couch in bra and panties, I felt my jaw drop slightly at the sight f the nearly naked girl beside me. "Uhh" I started feeling stupid as soon as I said it. She giggled "What have you never seen a girl in her bra and panties before?" she said in the sexiest voice ever. "Uhh" I continued to say. She closed my mouth and moved in to kiss me. I felt like I was dreaming, I was pushed against the couch with a beautiful girl on top of me, kissing me. She began to strip my clothes off my body as I did the same with her lonesome two things when she was finished. I caressed her body with my cold fingers smiling at the moaning. Victoria you just might be a lesbian I told myself begining to kiss the body on top of me. I knowingly inserted two fingers and heard the moaning increase. I felt the sweat between us running down our bodies. I never thought to see the day I would sleep with a girl but it was the best feeling in the world. After an hour or so we fell asleep in the same positions. Jessie's gonna hate me know I thought feeling guilty.

Jessie's P.O.V.

The sunset was amazing, but the fact that Sarah was in my arms the whole time made it even better. "I like this" Sarah said breaking the silence. "You like what?" I asked not really paying attention. "I like this...being here with you, alone." She started to smile at me, I looked back at her and smiled back. She started to move closer, Is she going to kiss me? I asked myself kind of wanting her to. Our lips touched for the first time and I felt this faint feeling comming over me Please dont faint, that would so ruin the moment I begged myself. She pulled back first trying to catch her breath, I followed her as if there was something holding us together. I blushed at my embarrasment "Am I that good of a kisser?" Sarah teased still out of breath. I looked away continuing to blush "It's okay" she said smiling. "You're beautiful Sarah, I am lucky to have met someone like you" I said finally finding the words "You are so sweet" she said now blushing. Then she kissed me again, but slower than the first. Our lips moving in sync as our tongues danced together. She stopped to catch her breath again, this time I didn't follow. When she started kissing me again she tried to take my shirt off, I slowly pulled away. "What's wrong?" She asked wondering why I was pulling away. "I cant do this, I want to but it's not right I...I cant. I am sorry" I said wondering why I had instantly. I saw the pain flash in her eyes "Is it me? Have I done something wrong? Why cant you? You are single, you don't have any other obligations" she said with her voice cracking. "Of course it's not you...you are the reason I am here now. I want to, I really do. But Vikki she...she" I couldn't get the words out, I watched as Sarah's face expression turned from pained to confused. "Are you two...together?" she asked hesitantly. "No, she is on a date with some junior right now" I said then noticing I wasn't making any sense what so ever. She doesn't love you Jessie, she is off with some junior right now. If she loved you she would be with YOU not her, I told myself trying to convince myself that I was where I wanted to be. But I AM where I want to be...I just didn't want to hurt Vikki, but she doesn't have to know, I said still trying to convince myself. "Then it is me" Sarah started again. "No, it's not Sarah. I love you...and I cant think of any place I would rather be then here with you" I replied trying to comfort her. She looked at me and smiled "I'm the one who is lucky to have met you..you brighten my dat when you talk to me you are the happiness in my lilife Jessie. I love you too." I took my shirt of and started to kiss her. I felt her smile against my lips as she took of her own shirt. I helped with her with the rest of her clothes as she did the same for me. Am I really about to sleep with Sarah? At the beach? I smiled to myself at that thought. I started kissing her as she layed back in the sand, I kissed my way down to her waist. She bit her lip as I moved closer to her vagina. "You want me to stop?" I asked her noticing the stiffness in her body, she shook her head and then loosened up. I saw her head go back as my tongue traced its basis making her moan. She began to moan louder at the flicking of my tongue, after a while I stopped and checked my phone. I missed practice but it was worth it, I woke up Sarah telling her that we should head home. She of course had to drive back because I still had no ides where we were.

Erica's P.O.V.

I cant help but smile when I think about earlier, I told myself. I checked my phone it was four thirty. I sat there for a while in silence not trying to wake up Victoria...so I went upstairs to her room. I texted my friend Sarah to see what she was up to. She called my instead of writing back...which meant one of two things, either sheis or was with someone and it would be easier to talk over the phone or she was just too lazy to text me back. "Hey Sarah, What's up?" I asked over the phone. "Uhh...well you know my neighbor Jessie right? She goes to our school" she said laughing. "Err yeah, I think so why? What did she do to you? You want me to go and kick her ass or something?" I said wondering where she was going with this 'Jessie' chick. "NO!!! Don't hurt her" she said in her protective voice. "Sarah, what happened between you two?" I askede eagerly. "Well, we skipped last period...then we went to the beach and well, you know" she said in a fast pace as if she was holding it all in the whole time. "Did you guys..." I replied shocked. "Uh hu" she replied. "So you guys are together now?" I asked trying to put all of it together. "Yeah...so what's up with you?" She asked not trying to stay on that subject. "....about as same as you" I laughed unsteadily. "Huh? Who you with?" she said now trying to peice my story together. "I have a girlfriend too..her name's Victoria Prylit" I said trying to think of how she would reply. "Holy shit..." she replied sounding kind of worried. "What...what's wrong?" I screamed into the phone. "Jessie and Victoria they are like best friends. What if they find out that we know eachother? It could ruin our relationships and possibly their friendship" Sarah said gushing the words from her mouth. "We should just be honest with them, maybe it wont matter" I replied trying to sound reasonable. "We will have to see, but I got to go Jessie's calling me " Sarah said ending the conversation, I hung up the phone and just sat there on Victoria's bed. Ten to Fifteen minutes later Vikki walked in "Hey beautiful, what you doing up here?" she asked not really caring for an answer. "Oh nothing, I just had a call and I didn't want to wake you up" I replied partly honest. She walked over towards me and began to kiss me "Victoria, you know I love you right?" I asked. "Err yeah, I love you too...whats on your mind babe? You're acting weird" she wondered. "You're not afraid to show public affection right?" I said, completely avoiding her question. "...no" she said looking confused. "Do your parents know about you beig gay, do they care?" I asked now knowing that Vikki knew something was wrong. "They know but they dont care...why are you asking me all this?" she looked at me with a still confused face expression. "Just wondering...we never got to get to get to know eachother. That's what I am trying to do...get to know you" I said trying to make as much sense as possible. "Oh...okay, I guess that makes sense" Vikki said looking a little less confused. This is going to be alot harder then I expected it to be, I thought. "You wanna go grab a bite to eat and maybe a movie?" Vikki asked trying to avoid anymore questions. "Sure, it will be our first offical date" I said releived that the questions were over. So we got ready and started walking to the movies, (It was only a block away) we walked in a dark alley arm in arm. Then this man wearing all black with a ski mask approached us "Give me your money" he screamed at us pointing a gun at Victoria. "Hello beautiful" he says walking up to me messing with my hair with the gun still pointing at Victoria. "Leave her alone" Vikki growled at him. Inching closer as he kisses my cheek, I watch as she balls her hands into fists "Don't do anything stupid Vikki" her glance swiftly ajusted to me then back to him. The masked man grabs my ass and pulls me closer, with that Vikki attacks him. There was two shots made for the gun and the fight was over "Vikki, Vikki are you okay?" I asked hearing her shreiks of pain. "Fuuuuuck, my arm" Vikki said holding her arm with blood oozing through her fingers and tears running down her face. I called 9-1-1 and Vikki and I were escorted to the hospital. Later on we found out that the masked man had died due to a bullet penetrating his heart, but no sobs here.

My heartbroken Angel (lesbain)Where stories live. Discover now