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(I wrote this one myself also YOU GUYS!#14 in poetry!!! Wow)

I stood at the edge of a cliff

My stomach churned

Was it because of the height

Or something else ?

My phone constantly buzzed

Guess they found the note

Death seemed so peaceful

As tears rolled down my face

I took another step foward

My feet half of the cliff

My wrists throped

As blood spilled out

Turning the grass red

My eyes shut

I took a deep breath in

Ready to jump




Arms swung around me

Pulling me back


A familiar face cried

"But darling ..."

I looked up at them

" didn't check the bathroom cupboards "

Au:If you didn't get that .it was someone going to commit ,but knowing they may not jump had taken lots of pills to kill them self anyway .

In too deep -Depression and selfharmWhere stories live. Discover now