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hello everyone! my name is sam, or lowqualitydan. i'm an asexual panromantic chica who's very passionate about anime, food, music and equal rights.

☼ here are a few things about me! ☼

- i play soccer six days a week, so i'm generally super busy. plus, i referee.

- even with me busy schedule, i still find someway to write gay fan fiction on the side

- phan has swallowed me whole, but i generally love youtube and a lot of youtubers

- i'm actually very friendly! seriously, if you ever need someone to talk to, or even just have a nice conversation with, my pm box is always open

- i love writing, and try to write as much as i can

- i'm a drummer / percussionist! how cool is that? (it's really cool)

- aLSO i like lowercase letters but sometimes i randomly capitalize things

☼ other information ☼

my instagram is sa.manthac

i will be responding to emails! the email to use is projectzoi88@gmail.com

i really don't have many other social medias, my apologies, but like i said, my pm box is always open :)

that's all for now folks! i hope you have a lovely day!

that's all for now folks! i hope you have a lovely day!

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