Chapter One

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"Jasper!" I shouted. "This planet will live, no matter what you try to do! You are against the Crystal Gems and we'll always save the day!"

"Wanna test that?" Jasper tried to head butt me with her helmet but Steven blocked her. Connie then came at Jasper with Rose's sword, but she knocked her away.

"Connie!" Steven yelled.

"I'm all right!" Connie replied.

"There are billions of humans and trillions of other organisms on this planet that have no reason to die!" I explained.

"Those billions of people haven't  done any good to the Homeworld, only bad," Jasper argued.

"Everyone deserves a second chance! You, me, everyone!" I said back. "Also, people have done good to gems. They've accepted us on to their world,"

"They only accepted you because you begged for mercy from them, they tried to kill all of the gems but you guys were cowards and pleaded on your knees," Jasper swung at Garnet. Garnet blocked her punch.

"You aren't going to win. Remember last time you tried to fight me? Go ahead try and hit me if you're ab-"

"SHUT UP YOU DIRTY FUSION!" Jasper yelled.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Pearl jumped and flew at Jasper with her spear. "Fusion is a beautiful thing, and a heartless monster like you would never understand!" Pearl cut Jasper with her spear.

"AHHHHHHGGGGG!" Jasper yelled out. She suddenly poofed into her physical gem. Garnet went to go bubble Jasper's gem but I ran in front of her and said,

"Wait! Jasper deserves to live as much as the humans on Earth do. I know she's done some bad things but-" Amethest cut me off. 

"No, she's done a lot of bad things! She just now called Garnet a dirty fusion! She's also killed millions of innocent people and gems, and does fusion experiments that end up terribly! She FORCES fusion! What kind of monster would do that? Jasper, that's who,"

"We can try to turn her good! Like you did to me! Come on, please? Let's keep her gem until she regenerates and try to turn her good,"

"I don't know...." Pearl said. I showed her "the puppy eyes" as Steven calls them.  "Alright, alright, but if she doesn't turn good, it's your fault,"

"Yay!" I squealed. We teleported back to the temple and it was nighttime. 

"Ooo... Greg will have to drive you back to your parents'  house in a few minutes," Pearl said to Connie. "And you, Steven, will have to go to bed in about thirty minutes," Steven hugged Connie goodbye and went into the bathroom. 

" I'll go to Mr. Universe and tell him to drive me to my parents' house," Connie said with a sad look on her face. Connie ran out the door leaving Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and I just standing there.

"Whelp, I guess we'll just have to wait now," Garnet said.

Hey! I hope you guys enjoy this series! I really like the Jaspidot ship so I had to wright a fanfic about it! I'll try to update soon!

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