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The air is warm as it brushes against Rhett's sun kissed skin, the breeze ruffling through his short hair as he peddles on his bike towards Link's house. He'd finished his basketball training for the day and he and Link had decided that after he was finished practicing, Rhett would come over to Link's and they could do some homework together before they hung out for a while.

When Rhett arrives at Link's house he isn't greeted by his friend at the front door; Rhett drops his bike to the ground, the bike landing with a soft clatter that's muted by the grass it falls upon. Rhett walks over to the front door and raps his knuckles against the wood, waiting for someone to answer and when the door swings open, he's only slightly surprised to see Link's mum instead of Link himself.

She smiles at him warmly, "Hi Rhett, here to see Link?"

He nods and smiles back at her politely, having to look down at her to meet her eye. He's already six foot tall, a fact Link's mother often mentions whenever she sees him, quipping how he's towering above her and most others. He always smiles when she says it makes her feel like she's shrunk, but he knows she's only joking when she teases him about his height. Even so, he can't help but find himself hunching his shoulders in ever so slightly, his voice softening so he doesn't seem intimidating when he talks to her or others.

"He's upstairs doing homework," she says and steps aside to let Rhett through into the house, "you know where to find him."

Nodding his head and murmuring a quick thanks, Rhett jogs up the stairs two at a time; his back pack is slung over one shoulder and bouncing against his back as he makes his way up the stairs and it isn't a moment later that he finds himself in front of Link's closed bedroom door, his hand already reaching for the doorknob.

He doesn't think to knock first, or call out to his friend to let him know he's there; he pushes down on the handle and pushes the door open, expecting to see his friend at his desk, but instead Rhett is greeted by the sight of Link lying half naked in his bed, and Rhett stops dead in his tracks the moment he catches sight of his friend before him.

Link's lying in his bed, his head thrown back against his pillow and his dark hair matted to his forehead in strands. The bedcovers are obscuring the majority of Rhett's vision of what's happening on the lower half of Link's body, since the covers are draped over Link's bent knees, but Rhett knows exactly what his friend's doing.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that his friend was touching himself; Rhett can tell by the deep flush that's across Link's cheeks, along his neck, the same flush that's painted across his exposed chest. His shirt is rucked up around his armpits, the fabric creased but revealing the heated skin of Link's torso, his nipples small, pink buds that stand out from his chest. As if all that wasn't evidence enough, from the angle Rhett's standing at in Link's bedroom doorway, he can see Link's hand moving between his spread thighs, can hear the sounds of his hand moving along his cock.

Now that the door isn't obscuring Rhett's hearing, everything suddenly becomes amplified; he can hear the shaky and barely restrained moans coming from Link, the whimpers that he tries to bite back and swallow. He's breathing heavily through his nose and his chest expands and contracts with the shallow breaths, his pale skin flushed and appearing hot to the touch. Rhett absently wonders what it'd be like to enter into the room and run his hand along the heated skin and silence Link's noises with his mouth.

He still hasn't moved, can't bring himself to; from his position standing in the doorway he can see a sheen of sweat across Link's brow and along his torso, and his plush lips are parted and spit slick, red and inviting and Rhett's mouth falls open in shock and longing, his tongue coming out to dart across his dry lips. He can feel himself growing excited but he can't bring himself to move forward into the room, doesn't know what to do other than stand there, surprised at what he's seeing and uncertain of what to do.

here we go again, I kinda wanna be more than friendsWhere stories live. Discover now