A look of panic crossed Bella's face. Her eyes snapped to Kate who was smirking. She hadn't told Jessica of course but it was fun to see her sister panic at the thought of the school knowing that it was her birthday.

"...the R and J essay due."

Relief flooded Bella's face and Kate laughed at the expense of her sister.

"Oh yea..." she said.

Mike cleared his throat, "Wherefore art thou, Bella."

Kate gave Mike a look, "Don't ever do that again. Please."

The rest of the group laughed.

Bella reached into her bag and grabbed the camera that Charlie had given to her this morning.

"Hey, let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together like a scrapbook full of memories," she explained.

The group gathered together and Bella snapped a picture with Kate squished in between Mike and Eric. Kate looked around Bella to see that Edward had just pulled into the parking lot.

"Oh look, Cullen's here," Mike said slowly.

Eric threw his hands up in mock celebration, "Yay..."

As the group went inside the school, Bella and Kate waited for Edward to approach them.

"You're drooling," Kate whispered to Bella.

Predictably, Bella quickly wiped her mouth before swatting her sister in the arm.

"You know you've finally got your supermodel walk down, Edward. I'm proud of you," she laughed.

Edward gave her an amused smile before turning to Bella, "Happy Birthday."

Bella shook her head, "Don't remind me."

"Well your birth is definitely something to celebrate."

"My aging is not."

"Your aging? I think eighteen is a little young to start worrying about that."

"That's one year older than you," she challenged.

"No it isn't, I'm one hundred and nine."

Kate rolled her eyes, "You're both old as hell."

They ignored her, "Maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man," Bella joked, "It's gross. I should be thoroughly repulsed."

Edward kissed her with a huge grin on his face.

"Okay now I'm thoroughly repulsed," Kate muttered before speaking louder, "I waited on you guys to walk to class, now come on!"

Bella grabbed her bag and began to start walking toward the building with Kate before Edward called out to them.

"Wait a second," he turned to Bella, "Someone wants you."

The Swan girls turned around and saw Jacob walking toward them. At the sight of her best friend, Kate's heartbeat sped up just like it had been doing all summer. She felt her face grow hot as she tried to avoid his gaze but failed when she saw him smiling at her before talking to Bella. She really hoped that Edward didn't notice all the changes that were going on with her.

"I noticed," Edward said with a small smirk.

Kate rounded on him, "Okay stay out of my head."

Broken ➳Jacob Black [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now