He Has A Nightmare

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Written By: MihoMarishka + Kar + Leah-Holly
See Request Page For More Information About Request Details
A/N: We have a new author / editor! Leah-Holly is going to be helping out with the Pyro preferences as well as the odd other thing.

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PLEASE READ: I'm going away for the weekend and i might not have internet so i'm not sure if i could upload saturday's preference, instead i've uploaded it today! :) 

So Basically you get the chapter two days early! xD ~ Kar (7th April 2016)

Deadpool / Wade Wilson:
Wade has weird nightmares, he once woke up and was talking nonsense about how marshmallows were trying to eat his brains. But, no matter how weird the dream is, you would always agree to stay up with him and watch cartoons.

Victor Creed / Sabretooth:
If Victor had a nightmare you'd only notice it the next morning when he's totally freaked out and asks you if something has actually happened. He mostly dreams about missions mixed with other stuff that didn't make any sense. You help him sort out what actually is true and what's just part of the nightmare.

Cyclops / Scott Summers:
Once Scott had a bad dream about how Logan stole one of his cars and had an accident with it. For some odd reason you were with him, which was the reason for the dream actually becoming a nightmare for Scott. The next morning he wasn't too nice to Logan, who didn't know why he was attacked. When it was about you Scott could get just a bit too emotional even if it was just a bad dream.

Wolverine / Logan:
Logan had a lot of nightmares about his past. They weren't always that bad so he was only talking silently in his sleep and you wouldn't notice as your sleep wasn't that light. If he had a nightmare of the really bad kind though, he'd move around a lot and sometimes wake up screaming and in turn waking you up too. He'd always apologize about a thousand times for waking you up and probably scaring you, but you'd always comfort him and ask him to tell you about his dream. Afterwards you would cuddle up in bed and sleep calmly the rest of the night.

Gambit / Remy LeBeau:
Whenever Remy has a bad dream he will go on sort walks, he doesn't want to wake you up so he'll try to be as quiet as possible but you notice he's gone and always greet him with a cup of hot chocolate when he returns.

Colossus / Piotr:
The two of you weren't sleeping in the same room, but you heard from his roommate that whenever Piotr had a nightmare he'd shout incomprehensible stuff in Russian. When he wakes up, he can't remember a thing though.

Beast / Hank McCoy:
If Hank has a nightmare he's moving around and whispers unintelligible stuff, but usually doesn't wake up. His moving around though wakes you up and you can't go back to sleep when you know your boyfriend has a nightmare so you gently stroke his arm to wake him up and explain that he had a nightmare and you were concerned. The two of you talk a little and then go back to sleep afterwards.

Nightcrawler / Kurt:
You and Kurt are sleeping in different rooms and you only notice that he had a nightmare if he's sleepy and grumpy the next morning from the lack of sleep. You ask him what his nightmare was about, if he can still remember. He's glad to tell you so he can get it out of his mind.

John Allerdyce / Pyro:
John would wake up sweating and just curl up in a ball, sometimes sobbing. You are a light sleeper so it always wakes you up and you just embrace him as he sobs into your shoulder as you try and comfort him.

*X-Men* Quicksilver / Peter Maximoff:
Since the two of you didn't live in the same house, you wouldn't know if Peter had a nightmare and he didn't want to call you in the middle of the night just because he had a bad dream. He'd occasionally tell you the next day when you met if it still bothered him, especially when the nightmare involved something bad happening to you and you had to comfort him that nothing like this would ever happen in reality.

Rocket Raccoon:
Rocket would spend a hour or two just staring out into space and look at all the passing stars and planets if he wakes up from a nightmare, you're a pretty heavy sleeper so you don't always notice when he's gone but you do join him if you can't sleep.

Iron Man / Tony Stark:
Tony rarely sleeps more than 5 hours each night. In his opinion there were just too many things to do and sleep would prevent him from doing them. If he had a nightmare – he wouldn't call it that – it was usually totally weird stuff mixed together with everything he had done through the day and made absolutely no sense. He'd tell you every last detail and let you analyse it. Most of the time you got to the conclusion that he just needed more sleep.

Captain America / Steve Rogers:
Steve once woke up to a nightmare and nearly jumped out of bed, waking you up as well. He thought someone was in the apartment and grabbed his shield. First you tried to calm him down that he probably just had a bad dream, but he wasn't convinced so you followed him in his search through the apartment. No one was there, as you had expected and after that both of you were fully awake, so you went to the living room to watch some TV until you were sleepy again and Steve apologized multiple times that he woke you up.

The Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes:
Bucky would sometimes wake up screaming from a nightmare, being totally freaked out. The first time this happened he had really scared you. You'd gently talk to him and tell him where he was, somewhere safe where nothing could happen to him, which calmed him down. It would take a while until the two of you could go back to sleep again, so you'd stay in bed cuddling and talking or sometimes would get up and go for a short walk.

Loki Laufeyson:
Loki goes on walks when he wakes up from a nightmare and Asgard is so big that there's no chance you would be able to find him without getting lost, instead you wait for him to return and when he does you talk about whatever is bothering him.

Spider-Man / Peter Parker:
Peter always hay the same nightmare, where he's being followed by one of his enemies, they change in every nightmare. In his distress, he shoots his spider threads all over the bedroom until the two of you wake up when he breaks a lamp or something. He apologizes sheepishly and hopes you forgive him soon. You're actually not that angry about the broken piece of furniture but the lack of sleep you'll get. At least you can fall asleep together now.

Hulk / Bruce Banner:
If Bruce has a nightmare and can't get back to sleep he usually gets up, trying not to wake you by doing so and leaves for the living room to read a book. Since you have a very light sleep, you notice his absence very soon and follow him there. You lay on the couch, cuddling up to Bruce and fall asleep again, while he's reading his book until he falls asleep as well.

Hawkeye / Clint Barton:
Clint still has nightmares from when Loki brain-controlled him so when he wakes up after a nightmare you constantly remind him that he's safe and that no one is going to take him away, you then spend the rest of the night cuddling.

Thor Odinson:
Whenever Thor has a nightmare he would talk total nonsense in his sleep. You could try everything, but he wouldn't wake up and the next morning he can't even remember the dream. He always feels really guilty for waking you up though and apologizes multiple times. It doesn't happen that often so it's easy to forgive him.

*Avengers* Quicksilver / Pietro Maximoff:
When Pietro wakes up from a nightmare he won't want to talk about it so you normally end up holding him close and sometimes you will tell him a story or sing to him to get him back to sleep.

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