Dark tournament pt 1

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No ones POV
It's been months since Yusuke and the gang were introduced to Mei hiei and yukina's older sister. Now with months of training it is time for the dark tournament to start. What will happen during the tournament? It's time to find out.
Kuramas POV
Koenma entered us in the dark tournament to finish of our business with the toguro brothers and the black black club. Right now we're waiting for Yusuke and as said by koenma a new member of our group is coming as well. We've been training for months now and within those months I've gotten to know more about Mei .

If I'm number one in my class when it comes to academical grades then Mei is number two. Her grades in each subject are exquisite but unlike me being hoarded by questions from all my classmates Mei is avoided by almost everyone even if she is really smart.

Sometimes I would spy on Mei with her life in school and I notice that she tries to hide as much of her demonic powers as much as possible,which can explain why she can't sense my presence.

Mei is not accompanied by anyone during lunch and her so called friends are back stabbing her by acting all friendly and become evil viscous creatures . Typical humans but Mei doesn't seem to think so . It's as if she's trying to become human herself .

She also lives alone in a small apartment not too far from school but she seems to have secured the place since I'm not able to see the inside and there are locks everywhere. Some are visible some aren't .

I've also been trying to get to know her more but she's being slightly secretive about things like her past and her deal with koenma. I try not to think of it but I'm curious to know.

"What's taking that idiot so long?" Hiei said in annoyance while leaning against a tree beside Mei. "Hey guys sorry I'm late!" Yusuke said out of breath from running here. "Detective " hiei said as he unsheathed his sword and started to attack Yusuke. Both their speed was unimaginable. All you could see was flashes of light coming from hiei's sword. After awhile both of them separated from one another. Not a single scratch on either one of them."you've gotten better" hiei said as he smirked at yusuke's improvement."thanks.....I guess" Yusuke said as he scratched the back of his head. "Hey urameshi who's the little shrimp beside you with the weird looking mask?" Kuwabara asked. I have to admit I am curious to know who that is. "Oh I honestly have no idea. Koenma just said he could be a substitute for our team. Apparently he's a great fighter." Yusuke answered . "Well come on then. The boat is not going to wait for us" mei said as she started walking ahead of us. "Hey Mei wait for us!" Kuwabara yelled as he ran after her. The rest of us soon followed. All of a sudden a thought popped in my mind."hey hiei what kind of power does mei posses?" I asked."I've never seen my sister use her power before. When we were children she never knew how to control it so she decided not to use it. When we were separated I was never able to see her power" hiei answered." So no one knows how her power works?" I asked as hiei only nodded. She really is a mystery .

On the boat
Mei's POV
Yusuke fell asleep the moment we got on the boat. His training with genkai must've been tough. I'm currently sitting on a pole beside my brother. Still quite annoying how I have to pretend hiei is not my brother since my teammate kuwabara doesn't know yukina is his twin sister. Hiei told me to keep it a secret so I have to address him as though he was a stranger to me. This plan is obviously idiotic but for the sake of our sister I have to lie to kuwabara. I don't like lying but if it helps keep my family protected I have no choice.

"Alright folks! Since the boat is going to be delayed why don't we start our own little tournament here on the deck!" A demon spoke in the loud speaker as the boat began to shake."WOAH IS THIS AN EARTHQUAKE " Kuwabara panicked "there are no earthquake on water you moron!" I stated as I jumped down from the pole. After awhile the shaking stopped and a stage appeared in the middle of the deck. "Fighters! Present yourselves here on the stage! And let's see some blood!" The demon spoke once again. This should be interesting

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