Kurama's POV

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No ones POV
"Wait.what? You're hiei's older sister!?!?!?" Yusuke said in disbelief "correct " replied Mei "well that's an interesting addition to our team" kurama stated " but by any chance are you perhaps a hybrid?" He added causing Mei to glare at him with her blood red eyes.

"you're the well known yoko kurama if I'm not mistaken " Mei said as she faced kurama."yes " he replied "well I should've expected that from you. You have a good eye my friend" Mei said as she smiled at him. " yes I am a hybrid and the reason why I'm not being hunted down or being killed right now is because I made a deal with koenma that he cannot refuse " Mei answered. " hey wait a second..... You're hiei's older sister?!?!?!?" Yusuke repeated his last statement " yes she's my sister for the last time you moron!" Hiei said clearly annoyed by Yusukes stupidity "wow I can't believe my brother got defeated by a moron like him" Mei said as she patted hiei's head " let's just continue on sister " hiei said freeing himself from her " you know it's been awhile since you've called me sister especially with yukina around " Mei said making hiei walk out of the room expressionless but inside he too missed calling his sister and even spending time with her. 

"hey Mei you said earlier that you were being hunted down. Why?" Yusuke asked

"well you see Yusuke hybrids are very special demons that contain two or three powers which are uncommon in demon world. I contain two powers. Fire and ice. Hybrids can be found anywhere in demon world. But several decades ago something horrible happened. Hybrids with four powers started to go out of control killing everyone and everything in their path. This caused half of demon world to be destroyed. The other demons then began to make a rule of killing all hybrids in demon world which caused major chaos. I was a victim of this law but instead of killing me I killed them so I ran away. Word got out to spirit world and their solution was to capture all hybrids and send them to a part of demon world where they can live unharmed. Spirit world then placed a demon they captured centuries ago to this place. The demon was named queen of hybrids for she contained the powers of a hundred demons. Her name is azami. She now is control of all hybrids in the area and she trains them how to control their power. " Mei ended her explanation "uhh......" Yusuke said as if he's still trying to process everything she said "you really are a moron " Mei said "well anyways I best be going. See ya. Oh and see you at school kurama " Mei said as she waved goodbye to her new teammates "wait what do you mean at school?" Kurama shouted but it was to late Mei had already disappeared.
Next day at kuramas school
Kuramas POV
I wonder what Mei meant when she said "see you at school " I don't recall seeing her around in class I kept thinking about the events of yesterday I didn't pay attention to where I was going until I bumped into someone " oh I'm sorry are you alright?" I asked as I took out my hand for support "no thanks I'm good I was the one not looking where I was going " the girl said. Wait this girl seems familiar.........wait "Mei is that you?" I asked in disbelief. She looked different. She wore her hair in a side ponytail that rested on her right shoulder with the blue tips gone and she wore our school uniform for girls. "Yeah" she answered."what are you doing here?" I asked as I helped her stand up" I go to school here specifically the classroom next to yours" she said .how come I never noticed her going to this school?." Not many people notice me because of the rumors  going around school that I'm some kind of freak but I do have some loyal friends around here" Mei suddenly said "wait how di......" "I can read minds to you know just like my brother " Mei said as she interrupted me. All of a sudden the school bell rang indicating the beginning of classes. "See you after school suichi meet me at the gate ok" Mei said before she left.thats right she can't call me kurama since we're in school that might cause to much attention for both of us.
After school
I waited for Mei at the gate. After awhile I saw her running to me as she waved goodbye to two of her friends. "Sorry I'm late " she said as she walked past me "let's go" she turned around and continued walking. I soon followed. We walked for awhile until Mei decided to buy a drink in a near by convenience store. I bought a can of soda and Mei bought some milk tea. "You like tea?" I asked "yup . It's one of my favorite things in the human world. Since demon tea is way too bitter and I've never heard of having tea that is mostly consisting of milk" Mei said as she grinned from ear to ear. She looks really cute when she's fascinated with these simple human things. "So Mei can I ask you something?" I asked "go ahead " she replied " what was the deal you made with koenma?" I asked " you're digging in too deep in my life you sly fox" she replied rather coldly. "You really do remind me of your brother sometimes " I said while laughing at the thought. "Well ok then I guess I can respect that. Anyways how and when did you get here in the human world?" I asked rather curious on how she got here "as you know I was hunted down by demons and people from the spirit world because I was a hybrid. I knew I couldn't run forever so I hid in the human world pretending to be a human child. I found one of the orphanages here and decided to live there for awhile to at least learn more about the human world. After a few years I was adopted by a lovely couple who treated me as if I was one of them. Unfortunately I knew I couldn't hide forever so when I was old enough I left my parents house and decided to live on my own. I still come in contact with them from time to time so I guess life here is fine until koenma found me" Mei answered although I feel like she wanted to tell me more but I don't think she trusts me all that much. "Well anyways kurama my house is this way so I'll see you tomorrow " Mei said as she gave me a sweet smile and waved goodbye. She has the heart of her sister and the mind of her brother. It is quite easy to tell that she is their older sister. But I have a feeling she too is hiding something from them.

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