twenty nine

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justin: told you i'd kick his ass in basketball

za: you had a lucky shot

latavia: when we hugged i rubbed his dick for good luck

maejor: are you serious 😂

justin: she's serious

ryan: how is audrey not mad

audrey: because audrey does the same thing

avery: i'd do the same but centimeter peter is a crybaby

latavia: i wish ryan would try to tell me what to do

ryan: you know i didn't even ask you out yet .. we've been fucking around

audrey: you need to change that asap

avery: do it now

ryan: im not justin im not asking her to be my girlfriend over text

latavia: ask me over text bc mom and dad have been together for the longest i want that relationship

latavia: except for the daddy long legs drama

ryan: will you be my girlfriend latavia

latavia: only if daddy approves :)


latavia: 300%

maejor: justin wya 😂

khalil: don't come back i like seeing ryan frustrated

za: ^ 😂

justin: daddy approves

latavia: ok then yes, yes i will

audrey: *twerks* 🎉🎉

avery: i can't twerk but *twerks*

latavia: now i can get dick anytime i want

ryan: 😒🙄🙄🙄🙄

audrey: anyways

audrey: so when is the song droppin you dust buckets

audrey: so when is the song droppin you dust buckets

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za: i can the the weed and lean from here

khalil: i can smell hot breath and ass

maejor: feet and sweat

justin: i smell like calvn klein tyvm

justin: and we haven't even talked about a song yet

latavia: #unstan

avery: i'd say same but i ever even stanned 😂

audrey: neither did i

ryan: im with latavia on this

justin: fine don't need you anyways hoe

latavia: im sorry dad i stan again

justin: love you child

latavia: love you too dad

audrey: goals

khalil: wdym goals you and justin are already like that 😂

audrey: you right lil lil

khalil: and goodnight !


i got a lil crush on the dude from lab rats 😂 chase davenport

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i got a lil crush on the dude from lab rats 😂 chase davenport .. idk his real name tho

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