Little brothers

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She walked down the hallway with her hands in their pockets. I gazed at her face from the corner of my eye, wondering how she could always look so beautiful without even trying. Her name was Clark. Clark Marilyn Cain. I've known her since middle school, when I moved right next door. We could have been friends but she was in the grade above me. I looked up at her wanting to study her before she noticed. I know its creepy but I just can't help it. Her long dirty blond hair was in a messy ponytail but let out her long side bangs. Her bangs were set to cover the scar on the edge of her face near her ear. Beautiful freckles covered her face from her cheek bones down to her nose. All the sadness in her eyes was gone and her dimples perked up on the side of her mouth like angel wings.

"Fuck" I whisper under my breath as I see her look up at me. I pretend to look at something else hoping she couldn't tell it was her I was staring at.

"Hey Lexa" I look up and see her waving as she continued down the hallway to her locker a few lockers down.

"H-Hey Clark. How was your weekend?"

"It was um..okay. My brother tried to tell me that our dog knew how to read minds" We both laughed and I relaxed a little more.

"Talking about little brothers wanna know what my little brother resided to do?" Clark raised her eyebrows in question "He went running around the house scream that he needed to pee while my dad was on a phone call with his boss. The worst part was that no one was in the bathroom" I looked up and there it was again. The smile that could make a troll happy. I watched as Clark bursts into a new fit of laughter and soon joined her. Loving that sound more then anything in the world. I looked up and my smile fades when I see him in the corner of my eye walking down the hallway and I turned back to facing the inside of my locker. I closed my eyes when he reached us and kissed Clark, biting my lip in frustration. I could tell Clark was a bit taken aback and pushed him away slightly.

"Finn we're in school don't be such a pig"

"I didn't know it was a crime to kiss my girlfriend..besides school hasn't started yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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