Liam looks up, noticing the blonde already done the hallway waving to him. The brown haired boy giggles a little before walking to the exit. He had to get ready for his date with Zayn later tonight

. . . .

Zayn had took Liam to the movies and Liam loves movies. He liked the fact that he didn't have to talk, he felt normal, almost like everyone else in the theatre.

But when he was outside, he felt like an outcast who couldn't even speak correctly. He never goes to the movies alone, he always has Louis or Harry come with him because he wasn't comfortable with ordering tickets

Last time he did that, Louis had encourage him to do so. When Liam worked up the courage to do it, all he did was get laughed at and Louis had to threaten the guy's life to get him to stop

"You excited?" Zayn asks, placing the medium sized popcorn on his lap. Liam nods sipping his soda quietly, "Y-Yes, what're w-we watching?"

Zayn had gotten tickets for a movie Liam wanted to see, but Liam didn't know what it was because it was a 'surprise'.

He wants to see a lot of movies, it's not his fault he likes them so much.

"X-Men Apocalypse" Liam eyes widen, "R-Really?!" he almost shouts making some people turn to look, he blushes ignoring them.

"Yup" Zayn says with a proud smile. "O-Oh my go-god Louis'll b-be so jealous" Liam says grinning, almost bouncing in his seat with excitement.

"I'm sure he will be, make sure to rub it in his face and do many spoiler alerts" Liam smiles brightly, "Th-Thank you" "No problem angel" Zayn says leaning in to kiss him.

Liam immediately kissed him back, thank god they we're in the back and the theatre was already dim.

Liam giggles a little when Zayn pulls away licking at his bottom lip. The music from the theatre stops playing and the lights go off making Liam squeal quietly, Zayn smiling at the man beside him fondly.

It was amazing how he looked so perfect, the bright light from the movie screen had lit most of Liam's bright face. Zayn has never been so inlove with Liam's big brown eyes and excited smile.

Throughout the movie Liam has been into the movie, even though sometimes he'd get thrown off when Zayn puts his hand on his lap or move it to get popcorn.

When they had both reached for it, Liam's face turned red when he saw Zayn smirking at him.

Zayn made sure to kiss his hand before going back to the movie and Liam would get so caught off guard for a while before focusing on the movie.

Towards the end of the movie, Zayn had grabbed his hand caressing his knuckles. For some odd reason, Liam got a boner from it. He imagined Zayn moving his soft hands all over him, in a way that isn't so kid friendly.

He made sure to cross his legs and try to pretend it wasn't there. Liam smiles weakly when Zayn would put his hand back on Liam's lap, rubbing it ever so slowly that it had brushed against his crotch a few times

"That movie was so fucking awesome" Zayn says, talking about the movie hey had seen. Liam just smiled and listened to him as they held hands, walking home.

"How'd you like it babe?" "I-It was ba-badass" Zayn wrinkles his nose to laugh as he brings Liam closer to his chest, "You're adorable, you know that?"

Liam shrugs, "I-I get that al-alot" "Well remember that I'm the only one who gets to call you that though. When I say it, it counts" Zayn says swinging their hands. "I-I'll be su-sure to remember"

The Theory of Liam Payne⇪Ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now