•chapter one•

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chapter one:

I finally stopped in front of the apartment complex. The Bronx it was called. This wasn't New York, but whatever. I looked at the crinkled piece of notebook paper. The Bronx-building D-door 505 was scribbled in half legible handwriting. I followed the instructions. I walked up the stairs, found the door and knocked lightly. "Yes?" a voice called from the inside. "Is Wendy there?" I asked. The door opened. A woman who appeared to be at least 30 stood there. She was in a zebra print tracksuit and had blonde hair. "This is she. Here to buy cigarettes?" She asked. I nodded and she pulled me in.

Naturally, her apartment smelled like old lady perfume and cigarettes. After waiting for a minute or two, Wendy came in with 2 packs of Helder's cigarettes. "Seven dollars. You get a new comer's discount." I pulled out my wallet and gave her what she wanted. Wendy walked over to the counter and picked up her glass. I watched her drink it.

"Want some?"

"I don't drink adult beverages."

"You smoke."

"Either way."

"How 'bout you try them. You payed for it right? You gotta smoke them eventually." She had a good point. I picked up the pastel pink one and she handed me a lighter. I took a drag and blew it out slowly. "Not bad," I unintentionally whispered.

"Yeah? Glad you like them. Come back anytime cutie. You can stay until you finish it." I nodded at her offer.

"Where have you been?" Mama called as she seemingly came out of nowhere.


"Doin' what? You shoulda been here unpacking."

"Not with that train wreck," I retorted gesturing to Bill. Bill was mama's new boyfriend. They decided to be more serious about their relationship and move in together. I even heard them talk about marriage. A new life in the city. Lovely.

"Don't call 'im that! Go say hi. The two of you hardly talk anyway," she shoved me into the living room. Bill was sitting on a chair. He wore old jeans, a muscle tee and dirty socks. He had a beer belly and needed to shave. He looked sweaty and one of his hands were in his pants. Bill stared at nothing, let a cigarette hang in his mouth and had a tall can of beer.

I stood there staring at the trash in front of me. I cleared my throat and he finally

looked at me.

"Oh you're back?"

"I'm standing here."

"Where were you? Fuckin' pretty city boys?"

"We've been here for less than a day."

"Don't mean you couldn't have picked up someone on your little adventure."

"Whatever Bill."

"You call me daddy now."

"When monkeys fly outta my ass," I finished the conversation there and shut my bedroom door. The view from my bedroom was simply the wall of a building next to me. I already missed Sydney. Usually I'd just walk next door to her house and ask her to sing for me. Now she was a two hour drive away. I know I could've just called, but seeing her in person was better. I put my phone on the charger and started unpacking.

The next morning I changed into jeans, a black t-shirt and classic black Vans. I put a jacket on grabbed my stuff. "Have a good day. Don't get in trouble you hear me?" Mama said examining my appearance. I nodded and hugged her. Bill opened his arms and I walked past him.

On my little adventure yesterday, I'd learned my route to school. It was a grey Monday and my surroundings lacked life despite all the people. The air was clammy.

"New huh? Head to the auditorium. Here's a map of the school. The welcoming committee will be there. Enjoy your day," the secretary said. I nodded and walked off. I walked down the hallway. There were multiple people in the hall and classrooms. Different from my old one. My habit was going to be hard to hide here. I'd never switched schools before, so I expected it to be a movie scene where everyone stared at me. Except it wasn't. Just like the rest of world saw me, I was completely invisible. Another student just walking down the hallway. Which wasn't a problem.

At least...I didn't really think so.

I walked into the auditorium. There were several students. "You must be new. I'm Stacy. Here's a name tag! Pick a Sharpie and write your name!" A blonde with pink clothes and a straight blonde ponytail said. Her name tag had Stacy on it in hot pink Sharpie. I picked up the gold one and put my name on it. "That's a pretty name! Like...a fairy name!" Another girl said coming up. She was in blue clothes and had a long straight brown ponytail. Lacy was written in sky blue glitter pen. I noticed their faces were very much alike. "Yeah! I so totally agree! Here's a pamphlet and a handbook. We're going to make sure you get the full welcome here! " Lacy said cheerily. Stacy smiled bigger. If that was possible. "The meet and greet is about to start! Go get on the stage," she ordered.

"Okay let's start everybody. Hm...There's a nice variety in here. So, find someone either shorter, or taller than you. If you can't find someone, find someone your height. This person will be your partner in crime all month. So find somebody worth your time. And don't be an awkward weirdo," a guy with glasses said. Easier said than done. I looked around and someone tapped me. I turned around to a short girl with long blue hair in two low ponytails. Her bangs were straight and she had beautiful green eyes. "Hey there! I'm Lola. Oh! Your name is pretty," she said looking at the tag on the bottom of my shirt. "Thanks," I said. "No problem." We stood in silence. I laughed awkwardly and she did too.

Like I said, easier said than done.

Finished: March 11, 2016 9:29pm

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