"MA!" I call out as I walk in from work. She didn't respond and that scared me because she usually sitting on the couch when I come in late. I search all over the house and she right with my little sister. "She didn't want to leave y'all room but she was afraid of being by herself." My mother smiled. "Aww my Lil brat." I rubbed my little sister Leilah's hair. "Lay Lay don't be scared I'm always going to protect you." I smiled and she smiled back up at me. That's my heart. And that's why I work so hard for my girls. Momma love work morning and I take the rest of the night, because when I'm done with that little foot locker job I go check in with my boss, but this illegal. I know its bad and its damn sure not good but listen doing the right thing not helping us right now. College can wait because before anything I made sure I got that high school diploma. I'm not done but I'm building now. I call my boss. "Yo Playa you ready?" He asked. "Fabe hold on bro, lil sis still woke." I whispered. "Oh okay you know handle that then meet me at the spot, ima send these niggas out but today you can help me calculate." He said. "Deal." I said. And we hung up. Fabe used to be a bum ass Reggie selling trey bags and nicks of weed with my pops. As they came up in the game my pops got popped on a night that went to bust a lick. And before my father fully died he said "look after my boy and make sure he don't get into this shit." And look where I'm at. The difference is I barely do shit because Fabe would never want me to get dealt with like my pops. My side beefing with the other side anyways so whatever happens happened for a reason. "Lay Lay ima take a bath because I'm dirty I be right back ok?" I asked. "I'm scared Lu Lu." She sat up in bed. "Alright come on let's lay down." I said laying next to her. She start sucking her thumb while we watched cartoons. I start talking to girls on facebook and Snapchat and she went to sleep. She has school in the morning. She three years old, can be bad at times but that's still my heart. I slid out her bed and didn't even shower. I'll shower when I come in. I went all the way down the block to Fabe house. "Wussup Unk?" I call him that since him and my father were practically brothers. "Wussup Playa. We just got some things shipped in, so we gonna calculate it all up and have these niggas packs ready for the week." He said. "Aight bet." I smiled and then my real uncle came out the back. He gave me the coldest look ever. He be telling me don't be down here its not safe and Fabe not who he portray to be. What throw me off is he always down here. Why work with a nigga who supposedly grimey? "Wussup Dbo?" I said. "Lucas." He said and kept it moving. "Ya Uncle got heat with you when you're down here but you're ya own man." Fabe passed me some of the shit. So we start counting shit out. "Where ya two mans that you said ready to do this dirty work?" Fabe asked. "Nah man they backed out. They not really into this shit anyways. Fly niggas only. They with the hustle but not like this, they rather sell candy on the train to get a pair of kicks." I said referring to my two bros Will and DillynTroy. We call him both. Fabe bust out laughing and I didn't really like that. Those my mans and just like him, my pops and Dbo grew up it was like that with us. Since 11 we all knew each other. I'll be 19 soon and same for Will. Dillyn got us by one. "Man tell them niggas I wanna buy all the candy out their candy boxes for them. If they desperately trying to get the money like that." He held his fat ass stomach. "You get it by any means necessary." I said. "You're right and I'm glad your little friends trying to get to the money like that but its way more shit to do than that. Do you know how many suckers on the train selling Lil chocolate bars? That shit right there ain't no real hustle Playa. This shit right here" he picks up a brick. "This a hustle and it make shit happen." He said in all seriousness. "But whatever they wanna do they gonna do. Let's be honest that shit not gonna have them watching over their backs from rivals or the pigs." I shrugged writing the numbers down. "And you right but they also ain't making two thousand a night." He said. "Oh they don't sell candy on the train but I'm saying that's shit they rather do, to get to the money." I said and he nodded. We went back to counting the products. Looks like this shit gonna take all night.

Six Thirty Five...
I was tired as hell and ready to go home. We counted all the packages three times to make sure shit was correct. Fabe love money but I don't think that nigga know certain shit some times. "Playa you can go home now." He said. "Aight ima go because Lay Lay gonna be looking for me when she wake up for Daycare." I dapped him up. "Alright " he passed me a lump sum of money. I smiled, put that shit in my book bag and left. I walked up the block to my house and went inside. Momma love was just waking up. "Good morning son." She smiled. She think I got a over night job, legally. I never told her I was working with Fabe, but she never asked. So... "Good morning ma." I kissed her cheek. "Baby go get some rest. You look so tired." She smiled. "I am." I walked off and went to the room. "Lulus." Leilah said. She still calls me that til this day because she didn't know how to pronounce my name when she was younger. "Good morning Lay Lay. You ready to go to school?" I asked. "Yes." She rubbed her pretty little brown eyes. "Okay." I went and hopped in the shower. I was overly tired. That's because I put a little more time in at both places. Usually I come home earlier and go to the job later. But I did a double shift basically. That shit wore me out. And to know I have to do the whole thing all over again stresses me out.
I turned the water off finally. I wrapped the towel around my waist and both were dress. "Ma have a good day at work and Lay have a good day at school." I said walking them to the door. "Bye Lulus." Leilah happy ass ran to the door. She loves school and I hope it stays that way. "Later son." They both left. I locked up the doors and went and laid down. My phone start ringing. Damn ! I hope I don't have to come in to Footlocker early.
"Hello?" I answered. "Lucas I don't get a good morning call?" Tasha asked. "Sorry Tash. I had a lot of shit going on. I haven't slept yet." I yawned mid sentence. "Well good morning handsome. You still coming in at four thirty aren't you?" She asked. "Yes, just be my alarm please?" I asked. "You know it babe." I can tell she was smiling. "Good morning and have a great day at work." I said. "Especially now." She said before we hung up. I really can go to sleep now. I know she on the clocks she gonna clock me in even if I'm late.

Alright this my new book. I wanted to know how everyone felt about it!!!!!

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