Chapter 3 - Taking Concord

Start from the beginning

Beep beep.

"I'm in," he mumbled to himself, tapping at the keys to unlock the door.

The security door swung open, and he was left facing a console that contained a fusion core - a tube-shaped device that held the fusion power that had run most things in the old world. He was surprised they still existed, but didn't hesitate in ejecting the yellow core from the console, tucking it under his arm as he jogged towards the stairs.

Once he reached the top again, he was cheered by Sturges and Preston as he entered the room, but he didn't stop to chat. He made his way through the other side of the room, across the balcony, and out the door that led to the roof of the museum. As Sturges had told him, there was a suit of power armor just near the doorway, and next to it, a rather-intact vertiberd, with a near-flawless minigun sitting on it, considering the situation.

Wasting no time, he moved to the back of the power armor, unscrewing the valve that opened a slot that held the fusion core. Ejecting the empty one, he threw it to the ground, and punched in the good one. Sealing it back up, the armor sprung to life. Spinning the valve the other way, the armor opened up, allowing him to step into it, effectively providing him full body protection, plus protection against fall damage and radiation protection. Stepping into the crashed vertiberd, Dogmeat jumping in behind him, he gripped the minigun in the metal hands of the armor, and he pulled.

For a moment it felt as though it wouldn't budge, but a few twists and yanks and the gun broke free of it's harness, and to Night's surprise it was fully loaded. Making his way to the edge of the roof, he could hear Preston calling out from a balcony just below him, and it sounded urgent.

"Night! Quick, they're here! We have to clear Concord of these raiders!"

"On it!" Night yelled back, the armor making his voice sound almost robotic as it echoed in the heavy suit.

Without hesitation, he jumped from the roof of the building. The impact hurt his legs, and the HUD on the armor indicated that the left leg had been badly damaged already when he had entered, but he was unharmed. Pointing the minigun straight ahead, he took on the group of raiders in a frontal assault.

They were all coming down the main street of Concord, charging towards the museum. A few had climbed to rooftops, but Preston had no problem picking them off with his laser musket from the balcony.

On the ground, Night quickly assessed the situation. He was standing in the open, and about eight raiders charged in, hiding in crumbling buildings for cover as they saw the minigun coming. Confident in his chances, Night opened fire.

Spraying the bullets across the entire width of the road, he had taken out three to begin with. The armor created loud crashes as he took each step, and he smiled in a sick satisfaction as he gunned down each raider, their bullets and dodgy, home-made weapons doing little against the heavy power armor. It didn't take long to clear Concord of the raiders, and Night turned to look up at Preston on the balcony, giving him a thumbs up, and Dogmeat, who barked excitedly from the roof he had jumped off.

Preston's gratitude, however, didn't last long, when his expression changed to one of complete fear, and a loud crash behind him as the cover of a grate went flying into a building made Night spin on his heels.

Out of a hole in the ground crawled a creature like something out of a horror movie. It was like a giant, mutated lizard. It was scaled, but stood on two, terrifyingly muscled legs, with horns growing out of either side of it's head as it roared, revealing pointed teeth that would rip someone apart in seconds.

But what really stood out were the claws. The sharp protrusions were as long as Night's legs, curved over in a horrifying hook that led to a point so sharp, it literally gleamed in the sun. Night's breath caught in his throat as the creature let out a deafening roar, sending debris flying all around it. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming, or if this is what the world had become, but Night knew he had to stop it.

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