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Alena's POV
It has been months since Anakin left. I have been searching for him as soon as I woke up from the dueling.

I got a new hand, it feels exactly like my old one, even though it's fake.

Right now I'm in a small area in the library where I've been ever since Anakin left.

I suddenly got a vision. I haven't got one in forever. I saw Anakin standing on a balcony with his hood up. A lone tear streaked down his face. I saw lava all around him. I have to check this system out.

I've checked every system for a life form like Anakin, but I've had no luck. I looked up systems with lava. There was only one system. That was the Mustafar. It's super hot there. Why haven't I guessed that one? That's the one logical place I could see Anakin going. He did live on Tatooine, and that's also hot.

I went into the system, and there he is. He was standing on the balcony of a building looking into the lava. Just like my vision showed me. These visions are good.

He looked awful. His hair was a mess, it looked like he was wearing the same clothes that he left the Jedi Council building in, and it looked like his eyes were turning a weird shade of yellow. He looked all alone. I would go insane by now being alone on planet that's practically all lava.

Well now that I found him, it only makes sense that I'll be the one to go and get him.

Childhood Friend                                            { Anakin Skywalker }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora