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"So where are we going now?" Annabeth asked me. "Well don't ask me babe, you're the wise girl here." "Stop calling me that! If I was really that wise I wouldn't have gotten ourselves in this awful mess right now!"

I don't know if it was just my imagination but I'm pretty sure Annabeth her eyes are getting wetter.

"Annabeth, listen to me okay? You are the smartest girl, no person I've ever known okay? You were the only child of Athena who has even seen the statue and that already proves a LOT, and we are going to get out of here because we're together. Together now and together forever, so stop saying that you don't deserve the name wise girl because if there is anyone who could really have this name, it'd totally be you."

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. I'm not pretty sure but I think she's totally suprised by the words I just said, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of that.


Damn, Seaweed brain. I didn't even know he had it in him to say, no, give speeches like the one I just heard. I'm just speechless right now.

"Percy?" I said after a while. "Yeah?" "I love you." After what seemed like years Percy finally replied. "Fuck you Annabeth." "Oh." "I wanted to be the one who said it first." "Oh" I said again, this time way more happier. "I love you too, and that will never change."

Well.. now she at least knew that Percy loved her back when she dies. NO. Stop Annabeth, you can not and shall not think like that.

"Percy, what do you think we should do?" I never though that I'd actually ask him what his plans are but these are desperate times. "Why don't we ask Kronos where the Doors of Death are? He'd probably help us." Percy joked.

"Not funny Percy, we really need to get these Doors closed if we even want to have a chance against Gaea." "Okay okay, I'm sorry."

"But.. maybe you're right though." "Wait what?" "Not about Kronos, but maybe we could find someone who hates Gaea as much as we do, or perhaps even more, and help us find our way to the Doors of Death."


I don't know why but everytime I say something it sounds like bullcrap, and if Annabeth says it, it totally makes sense. It's just not fair! Oh well, we now at least have an idea, but who would hate Gaea enough to help to hopeless demigods? I think we've already been thinking for hours now and we still have no idea. Damn, life sucks.

Yeah I lied, I'm not updating once a week, I'll update whenever I want to. 

Byeee x

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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