"You don't even know him Beth." Grabbing the small cigarette box from the back of my locker, I shoved it into my pant pocket while rolling my eyes.

"I don't need to. Look at him." She glanced back over her shoulder momentarily before sighing at me. "He's a goody two shoes. I can reek his A grades and perfect report card from here." Chloe cracked a smile as I slammed my locker closed. "Trust me."

Putting her hands up in defeat, she shrugged with a grin before backing away.

"Whatever you say," the halls were near empty as everyone left, scurrying to their classes, "see you in home room." She gave a simple wave as I turned and made my way out to the back of the school building. Just past the gymnasium across the grounds was a small shed that barely anybody used. This was the spot I usually came to when ditching a class or when I wanted a smoke. Nobody will find me here because nobody can be bothered to come out this far.

Taking my usual seat on the dirt behind the tin shed, I pulled out my first smoke and lit it up between my fingers. The familiar feeling wavered through my body as I quietly groaned at how good it was.

Nothing better to calm you down then a cigarette behind school.


So this idea was given to me by my close friend lesliemarin1. She's absolutely fantastic so feel free to go and check her out x

And the cover was created by my other close babe hiitsmichelle. She's beautiful too so check her out x

Just for an early precaution -for the people who are reading this note- this book is full of graphic smut. Hence the title. So don't read if you can't stand dirty stories as this book will revolve around sexual activity.

But if you're like me then you'll continue on whether or not you're old enough to read this. And for that, I like you x

- Nicole xxx


Copyrighted 2016.

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