Chapter 1

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Nine's POV

Five is refusing to train. I wish Five was more powerful, more confident, more... useful. He needs to be whipped into shape if he's going to help in the war. We got new house "guests". Sam Goode , a human-garde, Sarah Hart, John's girlfriend, Malcolm Goode, an old greeter from the ship, and Adam, a "good" mog with One's legacies. They need more training.
         We were all training in Lecture Hall when we heard a loud knock on the door. We all grabbed whatever was closed and inched to the door. Adam was first to the door. He thrown it open and we all tensed. Instead of a Mogadorion a young looking girl stood at the door. She was strikingly beautiful with short, feathery, red  hair and emerald green eyes covered by gold glasses. She stomped her foot. "You won't believe how long it took me to find you bitches!"She exclaimed. I set down my blade and glanced at the others. I saw recognition flicker in Adam's dark eyes but it was replaced by fear. "Y-your one of us?" I asked. She pulled down her sock, revealing the scars of One, Two, and Three. Marina just asked the question on all of our minds. "What number are you?"  The girl smirked "Two. Who else?" John's eyes widened, "But Two is dead." She blew a strand of hair out of her eyes. "Let me in and I'll tell you. It's fucking cold." I  noticed she was in a tank top and shorts.  I laughed and told her to come in. I heard Ella's voice in my head. Are you sure we can trust her? I dismissed it. She started to walk in but Five blocked her. "How do we know your not working for the Mogadorions or if you're Setrakrus Ra in disguise?"

    She spun and pointed at Four. "Would he know that you would always cried whenever Six stole your toy? Or that you" She pointed at Six, "Carved your number into the ship? Or that you and her, " She pointed at Marina and Eight, "Were always together? Or that you," She looked at Five, "Were always in the shadows, hiding form everyone? You," Oh no it's my turn, "Were hide-and-seek obsessed?" Five nodded and stood aside so she could come in. She walked in and we all looked at her. "Is there any food?" She asked.

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