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NAME: Luhan / LuHan / Luhan
Blood type: O
Family members: Mom, Dad, Me
Hobby: Soccer, Game, Excercise
Personality: I'm a real man!
Ideal type: .... none at the moment.. TT
Reason to be an artist: because I want to be?
Close friends (artist): Our labelmate seniors.
Best dish you can cook: ramyeon.. kekeke TT
Favorite food: A lot!
Favorite music genre: R&B, Hip-Hop
Favorite Movie: really a lot!
Favorite Nickname: Small deer kekeke
Fashion style: Just comfortable wear! keke
Habit: Everywhere I go I always have my bags with me!
Collections: None! keke
Motto: If you've chosen the path yourself, no matter what obstacle you face you have to climb over it and keep chasing it.
Most similar member (to you): Sehun! Our feelings are the same! keke 

FAN QUESTION: The members often change their hair colors, what is Luhan's favorite hair style?
Luhan Reply: My favorite color is the purple one, and for the hairstyle, i like it all!  keke

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