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Dedicated To: Joyce Holley and my Sister

A/N: Hey everyone ! I hope you enjoy the first part of my story constructive criticism is welcome ! (: sorry in advanced for errors I'm new to this so gimme a break lol... This story idea  came to me as a dream lol..

DISCLAIMER: All characters are created by me and are all fictional people any songs or pictures are not mine ..

Picture of what Cassie Morgan Looks Like (:

Cassie Morgan has just moved to a small town in Austin, TX. While going to a new school and getting caught in the regular drift of high school drama Cassie meets A gorgeous god like creature with the deepest blue eyes named Dorian Graham... But little did Cassie know that Dorian is a vampire.

Jonathan Morgan (Cassie's Father) is a vampire hunter and has been since he could remember just when he planned on retiring his wife Joyce Morgan dies a tragic death caused by vampires. Renewed with a new found hate for vampires he goes out hunting more and is never really home until he's shocked that his daughter is dating one... And he forbids Cassie and Dorian from being together. Will fate let Cassie and Dorian be together for eternity or will there two worlds collide, and turn everything upside down?

Genesis (N.) : an origin, creation, or beginning.

(In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.)


Waking up to the most annoying sound ever my alarm clock, I hurriedly slam my hand down on the stupid thing to turn the screeching off. I go straight to the bathroom to hop in the shower to start my day I do the rest of my hygiene necessities in the bathroom before coming out and going into my new walk-in closet it was a total bribe to get me to move from sunny California to unpopulated Austin.

"Cassie you better hurry before you're late!" My dad hollers as he slams the front door closed.

"I'm going old man you don't have to yell" I mumble under my breath as I come down the stairs.

I grab an apple on my way out the door and hurry the distance to get to the bus stop down the street. Looking around I notice there's only two other people waiting for the bus. I really wish my dad would hurry and buy me a car that was his second bribe to get me to move to Austin! Ugh!

While in wonderland I notice the bus starts to pull up in front. I walk up the steps and head straight to an empty seat at the back of the bus. It takes about 15 minutes to get to Madison High school so I plug in my headphones and listen to my favorite artist Birdy I start to drift off until we come to a sudden stop outside of my new personal hell. Madison High School!

I'm the last person off the bus and I head straight to the front of the building with a little help from strangers along the way. Making my way into the office I see a little old plump lady sitting at the front giving handouts to a few students.

"Hello dear, how can I help you?" She asks me enthusiastically with a grin spread so wide.

"Hi my name is Cassie Morgan I need a schedule." I reply with a small smile of my own.

"Oh yes! Of course dear here you go." She says while handing me my schedule and a map of the school.

"Thank You Ma'am" I say while walking out the door and blending in with the crowd heading to their first classes of the day.

Looking at my schedule I look and see that my first class is Algebra 2 I already hate my class schedule who starts the day off with math for first period. It's the worst thing that has happen since moving here, while still looking for the class I see a flash of blonde shaggy hair cut a corner down another hall.

Maybe Austin won't be so bad if there are a lot of hot guys here... and with that thought I started walking into the fiery pits of hell also know as algebra 2 I see half the class is already seated I make my way towards the back of the class so no one notices me, but how wrong was I when everyone snapped their head in my direction once I walked in. Well that was creepy.

"Hello Miss Morgan kind of you to grace us with your presence" The teacher rudely said.

"Sorry I got lost" I mumbled my face turning a hot red.

After zoning out of algebra 2 all the other classes went by like a breeze I didn't meet any new friends yet so that was the down side of my day and I still was on the lookout for another flash of shaggy blonde hair but as the final bell rang I never saw another glimpse. Walking out of the building and headed to my bus I saw a little nerdy girl who was all alone sitting at a bench. I decided I was going to become friends with that mysterious girl but at that moment I had to hurry before I missed my bus.

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