" I'm sorry." I heard a quiet whisper and I looked around only to be surround by darkness.


Alex's POV

" I'm sorry." I whispered silently and I mumbled a few words and touch her back making her black out. I can't afford her seeing me, not yet. She fell back and almost hit her head off the wall, but she didn't luckily. I looked at her for a minute before turning to Damien and glaring at him, he had a smirk on his face.

" That was quick." He mumbled and I just rolled my eyes, his little fighters are really easy to kill. " I almost had her you know." He added moving over to her and I stood up facing him. He stopped walking and looked at me.

" Go away." I growled and he chuckled.

" I will, but I need her first." He said pointing to Taylor behind me and I looked at her quick and back at him.

" No, your not having her, now go before I have to make-"

" So you told that Danny kid about you?" He interrupted and I kept quiet, he's just trying to find a way to get Taylor. "And he saw you too, didn't he?" He added and I rolled my eyes.

" It doesn't matter if he saw me, but Taylor can't, just not yet." I stated and he nodded his head.

" No, she saw you, twice. But nope she thinks they were dreams not really life." He said, where the heck is he getting this info!? If he tells her that, I'm not going to be able to- "Isn't that right?" He added and I went up to him.

" Shut up and leave now." I said harshly and he laughed before backing up.

" I'll be back for her." He started to vanish and he looked at her quick. " Very soon." He laughed before leaving. I waited a minute to make sure he was gone and turned to Taylor. I mumbled some words and I shifted into my solid form. I bent down and picked up Taylor one of my arms under her knees and my other under her head. I brought her over to her bed and laid her down before going back into my ghostly form. She will be out for another ten minutes or something like that, the spell wears off quickly.

" That was close." I mumbled to myself and Taylor's arm moved slightly. I smiled at her, she really does look cute and peaceful when she's sleeping. I lifted my hand and touched her cheek making her flinch at my coldness. Sighing I looked up from her and out the window for a second, it looks like it's going to rain soon.

" Taylor?" Danny then said opening the door and I turned to see him but he couldn't see me. He looked at Taylor before walking over to her bed side. " Taylor?" He said again and I looked at him annoyed, does he really have to annoy her now, she won't response because she's still out. He was about to reach out and shake her shoulder when I quickly mumbled some words and turned solid and grabbed he's arm making him jump back. " Dude really!?" He said quite loud and I glared at him.

" Would you quiet." I whispered annoyed and he rolled his eyes. After a second I started to ache, I've been in my solid form too many times today. I groaned grabbing my head.

" You ok?" Danny then asked and I nodded my head.

" I'm watching Taylor, you can go downstairs." I mumbled and he nodded his head still looking at me.

" Why do you look sick?"

" Because I've been in this form too many times today and I'm low on energy." I mumbled and I started to feel myself change back into my form. He stepped back a bit and then looked around confused, he can't really see me now.

" Ok then, I'll be downstairs if you need me." Danny said and with that he left Taylor's room shutting the door behind him. I rubbed the back of my neck and sat down on the edge of the bed. I hate being a Spirit, I just can't wait to finally after many, many years be a-

"Alex?" Taylor mumbled interrupting my thoughts and looked at her. She then sat up rubbing her neck looking around, then at the computer. " Alex you here?" She asked and I turned to the computer and had ' Yes' appear. She sighed and flopped back down onto the bed, I got up and went and touched her shoulder with my hand making her get goosebumps. "Alex I should tell you this, I had two dreams where you were like real, human, and you were warm and had blonde hair, but I swear those dreams felt so real." She said and I froze and looked at her, thank goodness she thinks they were dreams. I would have huge problems if she didn't think they were. She turned her head to the computer and I had the words ' Must of been good dreams then.' appear. She read it and nodded her head looking up at the ceiling. " They were and I don't know why but I like the feeling of it, you were warm not ice cold. It's funny I remember asking you to snuggle in the last one, and you asked me if I liked your warmth and I said I did. Then I remember you saying ' it will be soon.' " She stopped and looked at the computer.

She actually remembers that part of the dream? Now she's going to ask even more questions in which I can't answer till it's time.

" Alex, who are you and why do you want me?" She then asked and I looked down at her quick seeing her drifting off to sleep.

" I'll tell you soon." I whispered to her though she couldn't hear me.


I will upload later if I can get a chapter done.

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