Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Is it Real or No?
The Story of Dynamis and Rosalina

There was a woman
who can control
all of her dreams.

She can create
her own world
by thinking of
what she likes.
Like Stars,
Comets or

She wanted to share
her dreams with
a male.

She found a male
named Dynamis
but that male was
taken by
Rosalina's Nemesis

Rosalina's Nemesis
Name is
Myra Nightmare.

Myra didn't really
love the male.

She just wanted
to make Rosalina
Cry in Fear
then release her
to Myra.

She didn't though.
Rosalina fought back
for what's hers
and she finally
got the love
of her life.

A Year has past
made a planet called
Dream World.

This Planet is in
another universe that
No one can find
Unless if they believe.

More years have past
The planet Dream World
has been growing a lot!

Dynamis and Rosalina
are the King and Queen
of Dream World.

The citizens
aren't humans though.
They are aliens
Dream Creatures.

It's The Year 2001
The King and Queen
are about
to have a baby
in a few days.

That doesn't stop
Myra Nightmare because
She has a planet of her own,
Nightmare World.

One of her
Nightmare Creatures
was spying on the
King and Queen
to see what
they were up to.

The Nightmare Creature
tells Myra that
Rosalina is about to
have a baby.

Myra goes to
Her Balcony
and tells her
citizens to travel to
Dream World and
Kidnap everyone there!

Meanwhile in
Dream World.
The Castle Guards
on scout duty
are seeing something bad.

One of
The Castle Guards
rushed to
The King and Queen
to tell them the bad news.

The Castle Guard
tells The King and Queen
that Myra Nightmare
is coming with
her army.

Then The Queen
feels pain in her
She tells them
that the baby
is coming.

The King tells the Guard
to get everyone for battle.
The Guard does so
while The King
picks up
The Queen
and brings her
to the nursery room.

Myra and
Her Army lands on
Dream World.
The Nightmare Creatures
start to round up all
The Dream Creatures
while Myra makes her
way to The Castle.

The Baby is Born,
It's a girl.
The King and Queen
are happy but
They don't know
what to call her.

They were
running out of time
so they called her
Dream Girl.

The Real Name
The Baby
shall be revealed soon.

The Bad Part is
what are
they going
to do with the baby?
How is the baby
going to escape without
Myra getting her.

Dynamis thought
of an idea.
He called for
three of his
Dream Creature Friends.

The Dream Creatures
teleport to The King
and Queen.

He told his Three Friends
to take The Baby to Earth
without anyone noticing.
He also told his Three Friends
that when Dream Girl turns 14,
they tell her about
The Dream World.

The Three
Dream Creatures agreed
then Dynamis picked up
Dream Girl and gave it
to one of his three friends.

The Three
Dream Creatures teleported
to their Space Ship and flew
away with the baby while the rest of the people in Dream World
was Captured and taken to
Nightmare World.

The Three
Dream Creatures
gave the baby
away to a family
and hoping
Myra won't find her.

The Dream Creatures
will also watch her
and follow her
as she grows up.

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