Chapter two

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When we enter the cafeteria I know that a lot of eyes are on me. My behind is looking good in the red sweat shorts I'm wearing.

Pepper wants war today? That's what she'll get.

I know she feels threatened by me. And not only because I literally threatened her. Especially because I'm just as popular as her.

Our school dynamics are a bit different than the highschools portrayed in books and tv-shows.

First of all there are two popular crowds. There's no hate between the crowds but we just hang out separately. We're more classified because of the friendships between our parents. So the bad asses, jocks, cheerleaders and (handsome and cute)nerds are all mixed together. Nobody is looked down on. That is if you're part of the popular crowds.

Yes, Pepper's the typical bitchy school president, that everyone knows and fears.

But I'm the more edgy one. The bad girl if you want to name it. I skip class and get into fights. But what's the same for the both of us is that the school population likes us both.

We throw the best parties and people are entertained when we're in the room. We're sexy and the most gorgeous guys in school hang around us.

"Hey Sasha want to sit with us?" Travis suddenly appears in front of me.

"Hmm" I pretend like I have to think about it. "No thank you, if you're there I rather gash my eyes out." I send him a flirty smile. We both know I will. It's sunny outside, it's like the sun is my lifeline.

Even when it's the middle of the winter, Travis, Luke and a few other people in our school always go outside when there's sun. I feel my energy rise when the sky is clear. I don't know why I just do.

The same goes for when it's night time. When the moon illuminates our small town, that's when I feel myself grow stronger.

It's probably in my head, but it feels good.

"Oh come on Sash, you put on those shorts and not even share the view with us?" He smiles and licks his lips.

Ugh, he's so fucking gross sometimes. If he wasn't so goddamn funny for like 80% of the time I would've punched him more than the one time I did it in front of the principal.

Yes he's the one I punched. He deserved it really.

He was being way to touchy and he tried to get a reaction out of me. I warned him but he just kept doing it. So to prove a point I bashed his nose into bits.

"Fuck off Tranny or I'll break your nose again." I scowl at him but I soon replace it with a smile.

When I punched him I underestimated my own strength. I almost crushed his nose beyond repair, but surprisingly his nose turned out just fine. He probably got a really good plastic surgeon.

Travis never blamed me though, he knew that he deserved that punch.

"Okay okay." He holds his hands up defensively and grins.

The ego of most guys would be shattered along with their hopes and dreams after they got punched out by a girl, but Travis is a decent guy. He makes perverted remarks and whistles after you in the hallway but I believe he would treat his girlfriend like a princess.

If he fucking ever gets one. He has dark blond hair and is 6 ft 2 tall and he's absolutely stunning.

He left many girls heartbroken but he always tells them he doesn't want a relationship before anything happens. How is it still his fault than?

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