Soft Spot

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    "No one can tell your story so tell it yourself.  No one can write your story so write it yourself."


Jake? Oh shit.  He, surprised me by turning in my direction and said, "Hey, i'm Jake." But I noticed for  split second I saw a glint of anger in his eyes.  I'm going to be getting it t home.

"Oh h-hi uh i'm Liz,"

" do you live around here?"

 I felt my jaw clench. He could pretend he didn't know me, but he knew it wasn't my fault this was happening.  I looked down and let out a sigh.

"Yeah, I live with my aunt here."

"Why? Is your family fucked up or something?"

  My face felt numb. I knew that he had no idea what happened to my mother, but he certainly knew he was touching a soft spot.  If he wasn't, then I would be crying right now.  If he wasn't then Cassidy would not be laughing.  Jake chuckled along with her, but I swear. His eyes softened for what seemed to be too fast to catch.

  I got up as quickly as I regretted sitting with 'The Populars'.  All they were was trouble, All I had was trouble.  As I ran out of the lunch room I faintly heard "What the fuck was her problem? The slut didn't even get insulted and she's crying!"

"Shut the fuck up Cassidy!"

I was glad that someone stood up for me, but I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't even care who it was, because I was too busy running to the girls washroom. I was sprinting and crying when I heard my name being called.   "Liz! Wait!"

I turned around slightly expecting it to be Jake, but it was Ben.  He looked into my eyes and I heard a sincere and genuine voice "i'm sorry."

I could barely even respond. My vision was now clouded, my voice was all choky, and my feelings were hurt. All I did was nod before entering the bathroom.

Take a good look at yourself Liz. Soak all of it in.

I felt hideous. I looked hideous. I was hideous.  Oh my god!  I let all of my tears and pain come out. I'm such a joke. How could I have possibly deserved this?  This of all things! As if I needed more problems. I was so tired.  So tired of pretending that nothing was ever wrong.  I was tired of feeling like a piece of shit. I was tired of being shit.


As I walked out of the bathroom, I tried to have my hair in my face so that no one would see my eyes.  They were puffy and red, and still glossy from all the tears.  All I kept thinking of was finishing the day.  No matter how desperately I wanted to go home, I didn't want Macy to find out about all of this.  I walked up to my locker only to notice a head of crazy, brown hair.


"Liz.  I'm sorry about what happened at lunch."

"It doesn't matter." I said avoiding eye contact. I quickly gathered my History Books and ran to my classroom. I wasn't about to go home, but I sure as hell had had enough of Cassidy and her stupid little minions, and Jake, and Ben. I keep reminding myself 'All I had to do is get through today' but boy was that hard.

Every time I walked through the halls, I felt eyes on me.  As I entered my Ancient History class, I automatically sat near the back.  I didn't need anymore attention than I already had.  I was seriously confused when people kept giving me warning signs and gesturing towards my seat. 

"What?!" I whisper yelled loudly. As if on cue, Jake and Cassidy walked into the classroom together.  The blonde's eyes searched around the room until they landed on me.  Instantly she made her way through the tables and put her perfectly manicured hands on the desk I sat in.  The only thing my pathetic self managed to do was stare at her in shock.  Her deep blue eyes looked in mine with a clod, evil expression. At first, I thought that she might say something, but instead, she just grinned at me.  Then whispered "Get the fuck out of my seat."

I could not believe this girl.  I knew she thought she was ' popular' and what not, but really? It was just a seat.  Even though I was kind of mortified by her evil glare, I spoke up,

"Cassidy, It's just a seat."

"Excuse me? Get up. NOW!" She looked pissed, but then she started...whining?

"You're in my seat!" She squealed.  The nerve of this girl! Honestly, what was so damn important about a stupid- wait Jake? I looked to my left and saw a very amused Jake starring at Cassidy.

 "Babe it's okay, come on i'll pick you up after school. Okay?"

She looked at me, and then grabbed his face and brought his lips onto hers.  For a few minutes, they were sucking throat when FINALLY someone spoke up.

"Mr. Caldway and Ms. Evans! I will not tolerate any inappropriate actions in my classroom! Take a seat, both of you...unless you like after school detention." 

Cassidy found a seat next to her friends, and Jake just stared at the window the whole time.

Honestly, I didn't know what to think of this situation. I mean, I was under a lot of stress here! I had to put up with a snobby blonde barbie at school, and as soon as I got home, I had to deal with an anger management teenage boy whose mission was to destroy my life.  I'm seriously falling apart.


I shook back to reality when Mr. what's-his-name called on me. Weren't teachers suppose to call on you only if your hand was up?

"Yes Mr. uh.."

"Johns," He finished for me.

"I asked you to introduce yourself to the class.  After all you are the new student."

"Okay," I stood up "Well I like the color blue, and I just moved schools, but i've lived in California my whole life."

"Wonderful! Please take your seat now."

I sat down while Mr. Johns kept on talking about the History Of Mesopotamian literature.  The truth was though, that i didn't care about the History Of Mesopotamian literature. I just wanted to fit in. I didn't want to change myself, but I wanted someone to accept me.  I glanced over at Cassidy.  Cassidy, the light blonde, blue eyed, 5'9 bitch. She applied her lip gloss while I just stared like an idiot.  I was fascinated.  How could someone be so fake? Then, I looked at Jake.  He was looking straight at me.  He turned away, but handed me a note.

Meet me in the library after History -Jake 

I wanted him to explain more.  Why did he want to meet meet me there? Oh shit.  He was going to murder me.  I could feel it.  I was a goner, done for, coffin ready.  But for some reason, I could tell that it was important.  What did he need to so desperately tell me that he had to drag me to the Library in secret? 

After class I decided not to go to the library.  I couldn't risk Cassidy finding out.  I knew that she could ruin me in a minute.  She had already partly succeeded.  I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. I walked home, trying to remember where it was that I now lived.  Was it to the left or to the right? Dammit.

"Hey Liz! Need a ride?"

I jerked my head around only to see ben in a Porsche with his head sticking out the window.

"Uhm..yeah sure."

I hopped into the car when i remembered that I didn't know where to go in the first place.

"So where to?"

                                          Ben above

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                                          Ben above

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