☆c h a p t e r o n e☆

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Miku's POV

I just sat there on the hard stoney ground under the tall trees above me barely sheltering me from the pouring rain. How could they do that? I was just starting to get into my new career as a singer and my parents decide to throw me out of our...their, home. I had no idea why they would do that but the more I think about it the more i understand.

They've never been accepting of me growing up, I always loved singing, I had a passion for it and did it whenever I could, I would sing quietly in my room along to songs so my parents wouldn't hear me and punish me for not working on my schoolwork. Whenever they heard me singing they would yell at me telling me how singing wasn't allowed in their house and when I grow up I have to work in medicine, but honestly, I dont wanna, I really dont wanna! Never have I ever.
I've not exactly been good at anything either. Nothing in school may I say, Japanese, English? Ha! Maths? Oh no, That's even worse! The only subject I liked, or loved.. Is music. It's somewhere I'd be able to just sing as loud as I wanted and just have fun as things were difficult at home.

My parents would listen to classical music at home at times but they'd never listen to anyone singing. My mom's a nurse and my dad's a doctor so I see why they'd want me to do something along the lines of that, But I think if I ever did anything like that i would probably end up killing the patient.. They just dont understand. I dont even understand myself.

It's so cold. I was kicked out instantly, i'm wearing is a thin jumper and jeans. I have nothing with me, No food, No other clothes, No cell phone, Just me, Me and my lonelyness. I'm not a strong person, I was crying, alot but i'm only 17. I think my tears have ran out by this stage but it still feels like i'm crying because of the rain sneaking through the open spaces of the leaves coming down and splashing over my face.

I knew it wasn't going to end well, But I didn't think it would be as bad as it is. Or did I? I knew, i knew in the back of my mind but I needed to tell them. So heres how it went.
It was early this morning, I came back from my walk trying to relax myself and not get too worked up about telling my parents about this. I walked into the house and sat down in the kitchen and waited for my parents to come to the kitchen after I called them.
My mother came in first followed by my father. They sat down and stared at me, they just stared, I felt scared.
"I've recorded a song for a new company I'll hopefully be working with in the future and I hope you understand, I've always loved singing and you know that, I know you hate it but this is my dream, It's what I wanna do, It's what i've always dreamed of doing, Please dont be mad at me, I-"
I got cut off by my dad coming over and pulling me out of the chair, My mom was now glaring at me from the side angrily and my dad started screaming at me, he called me a dissapointment to the family and that I'll never make it and he dragged me out of the house screaming at me to never ever come back and that I better go far away.

They disowned me, my parents just disowned me like that. It was horrible, I felt sick to my stomach and felt like collapsing. I ran, I didn't want them to do anything else and now look where I am, It's night time, I've been away from home for 15 hours already and I just dont know what i'm going to do, There's nothing i can do, I have nothing, I cant ring anyone, I dont even know where I am! I wont be able to make it, Everyone knows that.

I lie down on the wet ground, shaking in the cold, hugging myself tight to try keep warm, I'm in a ball, My eyes are closing and my face scrunches up, more tears are rolling down my face as I lie there sobbing quietly slowly falling asleep in the rain, Knowing I've let them down.

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