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Taehyung held his phone to one ear as he ran through the big groups of people in the town. Yoongi remained at the other end of the phone but he stayed quiet.

"Yoongi are yo-"



"I'm sorry, stop making the effort to save me...I'm sorry I answered your phone call, I'm sorry you stayed on the phone. But it's fine taehyung, stop pretending you care....Because no one does, so you shouldn't. Don't be sad when I'm gone tae, stay happy, it made me happy when you were."

"Yoongi. Wait, please don't!"

"Good bye, taehyung"

And with that yoongi ends the phone call. Taehyung breaks down in tears once again, his tears blurring his eye sight. He picked up his pace making him bolt to the school.

He texted Jimin and told him to call an ambulance. The words were probably all muddled up and misspelt because his vision was blurred by tears and he was running, but, he couldn't care less. Jimin would figure it out.

He stumbled a few times but eventually reached the school gates, out of breath and on the verge of fainting. His face flooding with tears and he whaled out cries grabbing attention from people walking by. Taehyung passed the gates and he began running up the stairs. He almost fell on his knees a few times.

He made it to the rooftop doors.

He opened them to see Yoongi on the ledge about to jump. He could hear sniffles coming from the older male.

"Yoongi!" The mentioned boy turned around still on the ledge.

"T-Taehyung? Why are you here? Leave me be! I need to end this now! Before it gets any worse!!" The older cried.

Taehyung took a step closer to the fragile boy.

"No! P-Please! I need you here with m-me! If you go I don't know what I'll do..."

"Tae... I-I'm sorry... But, it's not like you really care! You're faking it... Aren't you?"

The younger took 2 more steps.

"Why would I fake this?! I love you! I care about you, Yoongi!! I really do!" Taehyung said, he's voice filled with so many emotions and so much passion. Yoongi couldn't believe it. Someone cared? No... No one could really care if he lived or not.

Another step.

'I'm almost there...' Taehyung thought.

"No!" Yoongi crouched down and held his head, still on the ledge. He could feel the wind in his hair and could hear the voices in his head, "N-NO! Stop! Just... S-Stop! Stop lying to m-me!" His voice cracked.

"Yoongi... I'm not lying... I promise. I care. I love you, Min Yoongi."

He took another 3 steps. One more to go before he could grab Yoongi and get him away from the edge.

"T-Tae... I-I think I love you too..." The shorter confessed.

Taehyung smiled and blushed a little, "Thank you."

He took the final step and reached out for Yoongi's arm.

"W-What are y-?!" He took a step back, forgetting about the edge. He slipped.

"YOONGI!!" Taehyung yelled running towards the edge and reaching his arm out for him.

It was too late. Yoongi hit the ground. He was gone.

The younger male ran down the stairs.

He saw the older on the ground, lying on his side, groaning in pain.

"Oh my god! Yoongi!!" Taehyung ran to Yoongi's side, sliding across the ground a bit and cutting his knees on the dirt.

"Yoongi! Are you okay?!" He asked touching Yoongi's shoulder. He yelled out in pain.

"It's okay..! You're g-gonna be okay! The ambulance is on its way, you'll be okay..." Taehyung said trying to comfort the boy in extreme pain.

All of a sudden he heard sirens, "H-Here they are now. You'll be o-okay." The taller remaining as calm as he possibly could.

"T-T-Tae... I-It... It h-hurts..."

"I know... I know.. You just need to stay s-strong. C'mon... Just stay here with me..."

The ambulance pulled up and they rushed to open the back of the van. They rushed over to help Yoongi.

"AHH!!" He yelled his face scrunching up in pain.

"Get him some pain killers!" One of the Doctors yelled. Another came back with a green whistle and they gave it to Yoongi to breathe into.

"What's that going to do?" Taehyung asked.

"It'll just ease the pain." The man sitting next to Yoongi said, a sympathetic smile on his face.

"You feeling a little better yet?" A lady said.

Yoongi nodded, "Okay good, we're going to try and move you now, is that okay?"

He nodded again. They got the stretcher out of the ambulance and slowly moved him onto it. After a lot of pain and an agonising 15 minutes they got him onto the stretcher and into the van.

"Can I ride with him?" Taehyung asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Of course." The same man from earlier said.

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