(1) Eliot x Reader ~ Complications Solved

Start from the beginning


~Time Skip Through the Rest of the Plot~

As the three walk away from an ambulance, Parker suggests that Eliot should pay a visit to the hospital. Durning the time spent saving the world from terrorism, Eliot had received two gunshot wounds. He didn't do hospitals, despite multiple gunshot wounds.

'Why would I need to visit a hospital? We have (Y/n) to take care of our injuries. She'll be mad though...' Eliot mentally cringes at the fuss (Y/n) would make upon seeing his injuries, but there is no avoiding it. It's either her or some pesky doctor.

'Always (Y/n),' he thought before ushering his friends to hurry up so he can see (Y/n).

~Time Skip Again~

Reader's POV
"Whew! This place was a mess!"

The HQ was a complete mess. All of Hardison's little gadgets and tools and Parker's rope and harnesses were spread throughout the entire place.

It took me several hours to organize Hardison's stuff, untangle Parker's gear, and clean the entire HQ. I had wiped down all the chairs and the desktop, threw any clothing lying around into the washing machine, and mopped up the hardwood floor.

'All the cleaning exhausted me, so I think I'm  going to take a nap.'

Right when my head hits the couch cushions, the door opens. Hardison and Parker walk in first.

"Hey guys. You took quite a while. Did something happen?"

"Oh, yeah. We had some...complications," Hardison replied with a slightly worried look. As I open my mouth to speak, Eliot walks in. The first thing I see is blood on him.

"Eliot...what the he-"

"I'm fine. I just need you to dress my injuries." He cuts me off.

"Fine. Go sit on the couch." I run off and get the first aid kit and rush back to Eliot.

When I get back, I motion for him to roll up his pant leg. He explains how he ended up with two gunshot wounds while I extract the bullet and wrap up his left thigh.

"Seriously? You just charged at him? You need to be more careful, Eliot! Be glad the guy didn't hit any vital organs or anything. If he was a marksman...he could have killed you."

He scowled, "He was going release a virus, (Y/n)! I wasn't going to stand around and let him get away with it. I know you're worried, but I'm fine now. I'm alive. That's good enough."

Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Just...be more careful next time. That's all I ask of you."


I finish up with his leg, then motion for his shirt to be removed. As he takes it off, I pull out more supplies from the kit.

"It's a through and through." The wound on his right shoulder doesn't require me to remove a bullet. I just grab some gauze and quickly wrap it up.

"Done," I state. "I'll take your clothes to wash. There's a clean set of extra clothes in the bag near the bathroom."

"Thanks, (Y/n)." Eliot thanks me and walks away to change.

A smile smile tugs at my lips as I clean up all the medical supplies and couch. Several minutes go by after I finish cleaning. While grabbing the dirty cleaning rags, I felt a pair of arms slink around my waist.

"Hey." The voice is gravelly with a slight southern accent and strands of brown hair fall next to my face. Only one person on the team fits the description.

"How you feeling?" I ask.


I felt him place a kiss on my hair before resting his chin on my head.

"I l-love y-you."

Did he just confess that he loves me?

My heart was practically beating out of my chest, but I calmed down quickly. Besides the fact that he just said that, his stuttering voice was funny, so I decided to tease him.

"Did the great Eliot Spencer just stutter!"

He growled and I let out a quick 'sorry' before turning around, tiptoeing to peck his cheek.

"I love you, too."

The two of us stayed in each other's embrace for a while. The silence was comforting. Our lips came together once more, but right when they were about to touch, the moment was ruined by a certain hacker.

"Hey, Eliot, I was wondering if you ca- Whoa! What is going on here! Y'all need to do that somewhere else! It's cute and all, but seriously?"

"Dammit, Hardison!"

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