(1) Eliot x Reader ~ Complications Solved

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Includes the plot from "The Rundown Job".
Media used in this one-shot belongs to their respective owners. I only own this story. I hope that I captured the characters' personalities correctly.
Word Count: 1354

Third Person POV
Eliot, Hardison, and Parker are in Washington D.C. for a job. Hardison makes his way into the building and surprises two guards at a vault when he steps off the elevator. With their weapons raised, the guards slowly make their way to the elevator doors.

" 'Sup, Eliot." He greets without looking up from his tablet.

"Who?" The guards are confused and let their aim drift downwards slightly.

Who is he talking to? There's no one else here...

"Not talking to you." Hardison deadpans, briefly looking up at the two confused men before returning his gaze back to the tablet screen.

The guards turn, only to face Eliot. He takes them out with no problem. Parker jumps down from the ceiling and joins the two as Hardison hacks open the vault.

Hardison grins as the vault door swings wide open.

"Babe, I got the motion sensors. Lasers on the other hand..."

Smiling, Parker removes her jacket and hands it to him. She navigates through the moving lasers and grabs a box of diamonds. Eliot was standing on the side thinking about a certain woman he loves all the while.

'Just a little longer. Then I'll be returning home and then I can confess to (Y/n),' he thought.

(Y/n) is a member of their team, a hitter like Eliot to be exact. He remembers when he first saw her. She joined them when Nate and Sophie had spotted her during one of their jobs. The job was going as planned, until (Y/n) beat them to it. It was a surprise when their mark was already apprehended when they got there, and all the victims of his scams were given reparations.


Eliot's sharp eyes had caught a young woman right when she had snuck out a window. He followed her and confronted her. Questions along the lines of 'who do you work for' and 'why did you do that' were asked. She had explained to him that she was former Special Forces and a medic. After she'd retired from serving, she began providing help to people who required her skills. He offered for (Y/n) to join their team after telling her that they did the same thing as her, and she appeared at their headquarters later that day to tell them she accepted the offer. Now, she provides backup alongside Eliot and also acts as the team's medic when needed.

~End of Flashback~

It was decided that she didn't need to come along for the job, see as there was no need for more than one hitter. The job was far from difficult, so she opted to stay at the HQ and take care of things there.

Hardison and Parker slip the box of diamonds into a cardboard package and put it in the mailbox. They begin walking, ready to go home, when Eliot's phone begins to ring. He walks a little further from the two before picking up.

The caller is a former employer Eliot used to work for. Eliot declines the offer, reminding him that those days are in the past. He goes back to the other two, tells them about the call, and they decide to go pay Eliot's former employer a visit.

Soon after saving the target that was supposed to be killed, Hardison, Parker, and Eliot find themselves in the thick of a national security incident.

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