Chapter 1

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"Mom this is so cleshay," I groaned as we stepped out into the porch. The California sun beat down on my legs. The heavy weight of my moms fresh oatmeal cookies sunk in my arms.

"We are just being polite," She insisted . My mother though in her  early forties still looked young for her age. People often would mistake us for sisters. Talk about awkward.  Her golden hair glinted in the sunlight.

Together we walked down the stairs and drive way over to our new neighbors home. The house itself was old but had a rustic charm to it. I could see a moving van backing into the garage.
"Mom their busy we shouldn't be intruding ," I insisted but she only shook her head.
Suddenly the Moving van door opened. A you guy about my age stepped out. He was tall and well built his hair brushed up into a odd looking quiff.
My mother smiled and waved like a maniac. "Hello hello !" She practically shouted. I could see as plain as day the boy was freaked out. He hid it well when he walked over to my mother. "Hello young man my name is Kelly Cort we are your neighbors," my mom took his hand and shook it energetically. I mentally face palmed myself.
How humiliating.

"This is my daughter Baylee," my mother babbled as she shoved me toward him . He quickly scanned me nonchalantly and half smiled. I held out the cookies. "These are oatmeal cookies," I said. "Yum," he said enthusiastically. Another figure appeared . I assumed it was the boy's mother . "Hey mom," the boy said beckoning her over. The woman was tall and skinny . She looked like a slightly dry marylyn Monroe . "Excuse my sons manners his name is Mateus," she said in a stiff tone. My mom went to shake her hand but shrank back when The lady did not stick out her own. "My name is Lilly Ward," she said.
Mateus Ward. Hmm interesting.

Mateus and I stood awkwardly while our mothers talked. "So where you from?" I asked. I wanted to leave. I had much better things to do like sleep and eat food. "Lax," he said studying the trees.
This boy couldn't even pay attention for 3 seconds.
So he was a rich boy..
I did not say anything after that and waited for what seemed like an eternity before our mothers stopped jabbering.
"Okay so I will see you tonight then." I heard my mother say . I wanted to yell . So much for cleshay

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