My First Lesson: 01/04/2016

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I was preparing myself all week, thinking it's finally here, I am going to start driving!
My lesson was at 14:30 and I was being picked up from my house. My mum was with me when meeting the instructor.
First of all, he asked if I have any level of experience with driving, to which I said no. I had only been a passenger. He asked to check my provisional which was acceptable. Before reaching the car, we stood 20 metres away and he asked what the number plate said to test my eyesight. These are the basic tests that will happen.

I was learning to drive in a Ford Fiesta on the industrial estate, it wasn't busy and there were a lot of straight roads. He went through the basics of the car.
- Seat adjusted properly so you have a slight bend in your leg when your foot is on the clutch.
- Wheel at the right height for you.
-Mirrors: Centre mirror has to have the whole back window in view.
                  Side mirror has to be 2/3 road, 1/3 sky and a small bit of the car.
- Head rest: The Middle of the head rest is in line with the top of your ear.

When I was seated correctly, I had a go at changing the gears whilst remaining stationary (I had already done this in one of the Landrovers my parents own). I practiced finding the bite with the clutch and accelerator.

When I had practiced stationary, it was time to practice whilst moving.
My first lesson:
- Starting the car
- Stopping the car
- Driving in a straight line
- Gear change from 1st to 2nd
- Passing parked cars
- Finding the bite with the clutch and accelerator

Step by step:

Starting a car:
- Turn the engine on
- Place your left foot on the clutch
- Put the gears into 1st
- Place your right foot on the accelerator and check the Tachometer (Rev-Counter) is between 1 and 2.
- Release the handbrake
- Gently release the clutch
-Gently accelerate between 0 - 20mph

Changing Gears:
- Release accelerator
- Place your left foot on the clutch (all the way)
- Change gears into 2nd
- Release the clutch
- Place your right foot on the accelerator between 10 - 30mph

Passing parked cars:
- Make sure no oncoming vehicles are coming towards you as you will be using their side if the road to pass
- Pass at doors width from the other car
- Return to your side of the road

Stopping a car:
- Release the accelerator
-Place your left foot on the clutch
- Place your right foot on the break gently
- Change the gears into 1st
- When the car has stopped, release the brake
- Pull the handbrake up
- Change the gears into neutral
- Release the clutch
- Turn the engine off.

- Pedals: from left to right - Clutch Brake Accelerator (CBA).
- Clutch: when not in use, place your foot down in the floor or if there's a foot rest next to it. Otherwise, your leg will most likely start to ache.
- Feet: Left = clutch only       
            Right = Brake and Accelerator
- Gear changes: my mum and nan taught me a way to remember how to get into the gears: e.g.
Neutral the first = go left in the field and up through the gate.
First to Second = go down through the gate.
Second to Third = go up through the gate, turn right through the field, go up through the gate.

How I found it:
I was very anxious sitting in the passenger seat. When I got into the drivers seat, I just got on with each task with no problem, all my nerves went and I felt better. My instructor told me not to worry if I hit the curb parking up as beginners do it a lot. I didn't hit the curb but I stalled the car as I took my foot off the clutch too early when I was braking. The second time I stopped the car, I didn't stall or hit the curb - I did everything how it was supposed to be which made me feel relieved.

Next lesson: 04/04/2016
- Junctions: how to approach, how to get out onto the road, give ways etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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