Chapter 2

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Jake's POV

I was waiting outside the high school with my friends and then Chance walks up. I happen to see him walking from his sister's car.
"Hey, is that your twin?" I ask loud enough for those near us to hear.
"Yea," he replies.
"Dang, wait, he's that loner, outcast kid who sits alone at the far far back table in the lunchroom, ain't he?" I state.
"Yea," Chance replies, adjusting his book bag strap. I took that as a sign showing that he didn't really like talking about that part of his life.
"Well, r u ready to start baseball in a few months?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Yea,can't wait for tryouts," he replied. When he said that, the bell signifying that we had 5 minutes to get class rang. We all took off then.
My first class of the day is honors biology. When I walk in, there is only one seat left, and it's right next to, guess who, my best bud's twin, Lance. I start walking towards the seat. As soon as I sit down, the bell rings for class to begin. Lance looks up, sees me, blushes, and then looks away. Huh, I've only seen girls blush like that around me.
"Hey, are you in the right class?" I ask.
"Yea, are you?" He replies without looking up.
"Sorry bro, its just that your twin is in freshman classes, so why are u in a sophomore class?" I ask.
"I've actually been taking all honors sophomore classes all year, thank you," he replies tossing me his schedule. When I finish reading over it, I realized that we had all the EXACT same classes together.
"This is going to be a fun semester," I mumble under my breath tossing him his schedule.

Pic is of Isabella-Grace.
I'm gonna start on chapter 3 tomorrow. Comment, please, lemme know what u think.

War Of HeartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz