Just 24 Hours

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---Amber's POV---

"That was strange," Deepti said.

"Tell me about it," I said. "And thanks for what you guys did."

"It's okay. We know you wouldn't keep any secrets from us," she said.

I wish I could tell you the truth. I looked at the guys and they just smiled, they knew what I was going through and feeling right now.

"Come on. We got class," Reema said.

"You guys go, I'll be there," I said and they left.

"Guys," I complained.

"It's only one performance," Akhil said.

"True," I said.

"Hum hai nah? And what's her problem?" Karan asked.

"I don't know. But I must say you guys are amazing actors," I said.

"Thanks. You as well," they said.

I sighed.

"24 hours between you and closing the door on this secret," Akhil said.

"24 long hours," I said.

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