Chapter One: Changes

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Nonnie's POV:
''Hey M is it me or is that Drake with Bonnie?!'' I asked Milly one of my bffs. ''Hey Nonnie!'' Drake said.
''Hey king of the bathroom emda seenta!'' ''Yeah king of the bathroom!''
Bonnie said. ''Eh you my girlfriend
so you don't get a free pass.''
They started to kiss. ''You know I am right here ya know?''
''Yeah we know Nonnie why can't you
shut up for 5 seconds!'' He said loudly.
I almost started to cry.
''Amda seento emda Drake!''
I said in hate.
''Mocho mecha slat bien ta lein hyaing healous takeaonta!''
He changed alot over da summer... ALOT!
''I think... I think I'm... I'm gonna be sick!''
Malika's POV
''That's she's a lying,overreacting, singing,whore that's a bitch two!''
''Listen you maybe be king of the school or something but no one messes with my friends or I'll make your life hell! You've changed Drake...
alot...ya know I remember in the first grade when Nonnie risked her whole
friends other than us on the playground just to say that she loved you. And all you had to say that you don't care. I said.
''Because I didn't care!''
''Just stay away from her okay okay
I stormed out of the dorm room.

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