Chapter 2

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Roman pov:

I went up stair to check on dean and to see what wrong with him. I get to dean room and I knock on his door all I get is silents. So I knock again and finally get dean to get the door. dean look at me and he look mad and sad. Then dean said what do you want. So I ask can I come in? So dean let me in and I turn around and ask what wrong dean why are you so mad all the time. what did we do to make you mad. Dean at look me and said it is nothing just leave me alone. I look at him and said no it is not nothing jus tell me what wrong. Dean lost it and he push me to the ground and said just leave me alone and stop trying to push me to tell you what wrong. I want you out of my room now or I will beat you butt. So I got up and run out of his room I do no want to do anymore if dean does not charge or tell us what wrong Mom and dad will take him back to the orphanage I do not want my new brother to go back I want him to stay. 

Dean pov: 

I was come back to my new home from school it was a bad day. Teachers keep yelling at me to paid attention.I finally got to the front door and open it. When I got in I saw roman, roman mom, and dad sitting on the couch and look at me and I know it was not good. So I made my way to they and I ask what going on. Roman dad told to sit down we need to talk. So I sit down and look at them. Roman dad said dean I know your mad and we do not know why. We want you to tell us why are you so mad we want to help because we can not live like this any more. Something has to give either you tell us what wrong or we will take you back to the orphanage. I look at them wide eye and scaryed I do not want to go back. So I decide to tell them everything. So I start talking. Ok OK I will tell you but please do not take me back. I have a little brother name seth and we got separate at the orphanage and I have not see him in a year. I miss him so much. I got so mad at everyone because they took me way form my little brother. After I got done I look at them and they look shock and sad. Roman mom then said why did you not tell us this. I said I do not know why I just got mad and I do not talk when I'm mad. Then roman dad said dean we will find your brother. I look at him and said really. He shook his head and said yes I smile and I run over to him and hug him and said thank thank. He hug me back and said your welcome. I let him go and roman mom said go wash up for dinner I smile and said ok. I run up stair to wash up I can not believe this I finally going to try and find my little brother seth. Hold on seth I'm going to find you and bring you back to me were you belong. 

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